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Despite growing competition and AI-integrated competitors, ADP still hold reign on HCM.

Community Contributor
May 02 2024
September 24 2024
WallStreetWontons's Fair Value
14.6% overvalued intrinsic discount
24 Sep

Author's Valuation


14.6% overvalued intrinsic discount

WallStreetWontons's Fair Value


  1. Robust Financial Performance:
  2. Human Capital Management (HCM) Market:
  3. Expanding Regulations:
    • As regulations related to payroll, benefits, and human resources evolve, ADP’s services become increasingly valuable to businesses.
    • Compliance requirements create demand for ADP’s solutions, positioning the company for sustained growth.

Here are some of the products and services that contribute to ADP’s continued success:

  1. ADP Assist (AI for Payroll and HR):
  2. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO):
  3. Benefits Administration:
  4. HR Outsourcing & PEO (Professional Employer Organization):
  5. ERP Integration and ADP Marketplace:


  1. Market Risks and Competitive Pressures:
  2. Dependence on the U.S. Market:
  3. Tech & Innovation Risks:
  4. Security Risks:

Despite these risks, ADP has demonstrated financial strength, brand reputation, and consistent revenue growth. It remains well-positioned to navigate challenges and capitalize on growth opportunities.


  • Fair value estimation is based on a forward revenue growth of 7.10%, current net profit margin of 19.56%, and forward P/E of 25.14.
  • The total fair value is $131 billion for 5 years and $184.66 billion for 10 years.

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