Small Pharma Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

OTCPK:DMTT.F Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
13 Oct 23SellUS$58,796Peter RandsIndividual470,000US$0.13
12 Oct 23SellUS$124,342Peter RandsIndividual945,999US$0.14
29 Sep 23SellUS$66,524Peter RandsIndividual611,700US$0.13

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: DMTT.F insiders have only sold shares in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of DMTT.F?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Individual Insiders00%
General Public333,341,04199.3%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 4.3%.

Top Shareholders

Top 2 shareholders own 0.72% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
AdvisorShares Investments, LLC
1st Capital Management Group GmbH