FRSX Stock Overview
A technology company, engages in the development of smart multi-spectral 3D vision software solutions and cellular-based applications for the automotive industry in Israel, Japan, the United States, and internationally. More details
Snowflake Score | |
Valuation | 0/6 |
Future Growth | 0/6 |
Past Performance | 0/6 |
Financial Health | 4/6 |
Dividends | 0/6 |
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Advancing in Autonomous Tech with Growth Potential
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Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. Competitors
Price History & Performance
Historical stock prices | |
Current Share Price | ₪0.89 |
52 Week High | ₪2.63 |
52 Week Low | ₪0.57 |
Beta | 2.62 |
1 Month Change | -30.71% |
3 Month Change | 36.68% |
1 Year Change | -14.87% |
3 Year Change | -88.27% |
5 Year Change | -83.78% |
Change since IPO | -98.69% |
Recent News & Updates
Recent updates
Foresight Autonomous Non-GAAP EPS of $0.03, revenue of $0.21M misses by $0.04M
Aug 19Foresight Autonomous enters MoU to jointly develop autonomous solutions in Shandong Province, China
Jul 07Foresight Autonomous sells its prototype QuadSight system to a global manufacturer
Jun 09Foresight Autonomous selected by European car manufacturer for joint POC project
May 28Foresight Autonomous falls after new short call from Fuzzy Panda Research
Apr 28Foresight Autonomous rallies as it's subsidiary partners with Eye-Net Mobile
Feb 02Foresight Autonomous prices $26M direct offering
Dec 28Foresight Skyrocketed But It Is Best To Avoid It For Now
Dec 27Foresight Autonomous rallies on taking part in automation of future heavy-duty vehicles
Dec 04Auto supplier stocks drop as electric vehicle buzz wears off a bit
Nov 25Shareholder Returns
FRSX | US Auto Components | US Market | |
7D | -6.9% | -2.1% | -2.2% |
1Y | -14.9% | -15.1% | 18.3% |
Return vs Industry: FRSX matched the US Auto Components industry which returned -15.1% over the past year.
Return vs Market: FRSX underperformed the US Market which returned 18.3% over the past year.
Price Volatility
FRSX volatility | |
FRSX Average Weekly Movement | 26.9% |
Auto Components Industry Average Movement | 5.7% |
Market Average Movement | 6.0% |
10% most volatile stocks in US Market | 17.8% |
10% least volatile stocks in US Market | 3.1% |
Stable Share Price: FRSX's share price has been volatile over the past 3 months compared to the US market.
Volatility Over Time: FRSX's weekly volatility has increased from 15% to 27% over the past year.
About the Company
Founded | Employees | CEO | Website |
n/a | 78 | Haim Siboni | |
Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd., a technology company, engages in the development of smart multi-spectral 3D vision software solutions and cellular-based applications for the automotive industry in Israel, Japan, the United States, and internationally. It develops in-line-of-sight vision solutions and beyond-line-of-site accident-prevention solutions. The company also offers QuadSight automotive vision solution, a four-camera multi-spectral vision solution that combines two sets of stereoscopic infrared and visible-light cameras for obstacle detection; DynamiCal, an automatic calibration software solution to ensure that stereo cameras remain calibrated to create accurate and continuous 3D depth perception; and ScaleCam, a separated stereo camera solution.
Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. Fundamentals Summary
FRSX fundamental statistics | |
Market cap | US$16.73m |
Earnings (TTM) | -US$11.59m |
Revenue (TTM) | US$473.00k |
P/S Ratio-1.4x
P/E RatioIs FRSX overvalued?
See Fair Value and valuation analysisEarnings & Revenue
FRSX income statement (TTM) | |
Revenue | US$473.00k |
Cost of Revenue | US$187.00k |
Gross Profit | US$286.00k |
Other Expenses | US$11.88m |
Earnings | -US$11.59m |
Last Reported Earnings
Sep 30, 2024
Next Earnings Date
Earnings per share (EPS) | -0.022 |
Gross Margin | 60.47% |
Net Profit Margin | -2,450.53% |
Debt/Equity Ratio | 0% |
How did FRSX perform over the long term?
See historical performance and comparisonCompany Analysis and Financial Data Status
Data | Last Updated (UTC time) |
Company Analysis | 2025/02/22 12:21 |
End of Day Share Price | 2025/02/21 00:00 |
Earnings | 2024/09/30 |
Annual Earnings | 2023/12/31 |
Data Sources
The data used in our company analysis is from S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. The following data is used in our analysis model to generate this report. Data is normalised which can introduce a delay from the source being available.
Package | Data | Timeframe | Example US Source * |
Company Financials | 10 years |
| |
Analyst Consensus Estimates | +3 years |
Market Prices | 30 years |
| |
Ownership | 10 years |
| |
Management | 10 years |
| |
Key Developments | 10 years |
* Example for US securities, for non-US equivalent regulatory forms and sources are used.
Unless specified all financial data is based on a yearly period but updated quarterly. This is known as Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) or Last Twelve Month (LTM) Data. Learn more.
Analysis Model and Snowflake
Details of the analysis model used to generate this report is available on our Github page, we also have guides on how to use our reports and tutorials on Youtube.
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Industry and Sector Metrics
Our industry and section metrics are calculated every 6 hours by Simply Wall St, details of our process are available on Github.
Analyst Sources
Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. is covered by 6 analysts. 0 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.
Analyst | Institution |
Rommel Dionisio | Aegis Capital Corporation |
Brian Kinstlinger | Alliance Global Partners |
Mark Schappel | Benchmark Company |