Ege Endüstri ve Ticaret A.S.

IBSE:EGEEN Stock Report

Market Cap: ₺33.6b

Ege Endüstri ve Ticaret Management

Management criteria checks 1/4

We currently do not have sufficient information about the CEO.

Key information

Ayhan Özel

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentagen/a
CEO tenureno data
CEO ownershipn/a
Management average tenureno data
Board average tenure5.5yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates


Ayhan Özel

no data


Mr. Ayhan Özel serves as General Manager at Ege Endüstri ve Ticaret A.S.

Board Members

Mustafa Bayraktar
Executive Vice Chairperson of the Board24.5yrsno datano data
Hüseyin Bayraktar
Chairperson of the Board 34.4yrsno datano data
Enver Gocay
Non-Executive Independent Director5.5yrsno datano data
Numan Numanbayraktaroglu
Non-Executive Independent Director5.5yrsno datano data
Huseyin Oral
Non-Executive Independent Director4.5yrsno datano data
Bahaettin Tatoglu
Directorno datano datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Board: EGEEN's board of directors are considered experienced (5.5 years average tenure).