Snowflake Score | |
Valuation | 2/6 |
Future Growth | 2/6 |
Past Performance | 4/6 |
Financial Health | 6/6 |
Dividends | 2/6 |
Risk Analysis
No risks detected for PR9 from our risk checks.
Praram 9 Hospital Public Company Limited Competitors
Price History & Performance
Historical stock prices | |
Current Share Price | ฿20.50 |
52 Week High | ฿20.90 |
52 Week Low | ฿13.10 |
Beta | 0.22 |
11 Month Change | 13.89% |
3 Month Change | 15.82% |
1 Year Change | 15.82% |
33 Year Change | 89.81% |
5 Year Change | 119.25% |
Change since IPO | 76.72% |
Recent News & Updates
Recent updates
Shareholder Returns
PR9 | TH Healthcare | TH Market | |
7D | 0% | 0.5% | -0.3% |
1Y | 15.8% | -3.6% | -8.0% |
Return vs Industry: PR9 exceeded the TH Healthcare industry which returned -3.6% over the past year.
Return vs Market: PR9 exceeded the TH Market which returned -8% over the past year.
Price Volatility
PR9 volatility | |
PR9 Average Weekly Movement | 3.9% |
Healthcare Industry Average Movement | 4.1% |
Market Average Movement | 5.3% |
10% most volatile stocks in TH Market | 11.2% |
10% least volatile stocks in TH Market | 2.5% |
Stable Share Price: PR9 has not had significant price volatility in the past 3 months.
Volatility Over Time: PR9's weekly volatility (4%) has been stable over the past year.
About the Company
Founded | Employees | CEO | Website |
1992 | n/a | Satian Pooprasert | |
Praram 9 Hospital Public Company Limited engages in hospital operations primarily in Thailand. The company operates medicine, surgery, diabetes and metabolic, spine, orthopedic, physical therapy and rehabilitation, chest and respiratory, neurology, thyroid and thyroid surgery, obstetrics gynecology, IVF, breast, oncocare, emergency, imaging, Lasik, skin and plastic surgery, mind, gastrointestinal and liver disease, dental, check-up, eye, pediatric, sleep, ear, nose, and throat centers, as well as breast, and vaccination and travel medicine clinics. It is also involved in the operation of kidney disease and transplantation, cardiovascular, and pain management and wellness institutes.
Praram 9 Hospital Public Company Limited Fundamentals Summary
PR9 fundamental statistics | |
Market cap | ฿16.12b |
Earnings (TTM) | ฿626.17m |
Revenue (TTM) | ฿4.45b |
P/E Ratio3.6x
P/S RatioIs PR9 overvalued?
See Fair Value and valuation analysisEarnings & Revenue
PR9 income statement (TTM) | |
Revenue | ฿4.45b |
Cost of Revenue | ฿2.92b |
Gross Profit | ฿1.52b |
Other Expenses | ฿898.16m |
Earnings | ฿626.17m |
Last Reported Earnings
Jun 30, 2024
Next Earnings Date
Earnings per share (EPS) | 0.80 |
Gross Margin | 34.28% |
Net Profit Margin | 14.08% |
Debt/Equity Ratio | 0% |
How did PR9 perform over the long term?
See historical performance and comparison