Quantum Healthcare Limited

Catalist:V8Y Stock Report

Market Cap: S$16.0m

Quantum Healthcare Management

Management criteria checks 2/4

Quantum Healthcare's CEO is Thomas Tan, appointed in Jan 2022, has a tenure of 2.75 years. directly owns 11.41% of the company’s shares, worth SGD1.83M. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 2.4 years and 3 years respectively.

Key information

Thomas Tan

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentagen/a
CEO tenure2.8yrs
CEO ownership11.4%
Management average tenure2.4yrs
Board average tenure3yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates


Thomas Tan (51 yo)



Mr. Gim Chua Tan, also known as Thomas, serves as Director of Asia Dental Group Pte Ltd from 2022. He serves as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director at Quantum Healthcare Limited (formerly known...

Leadership Team

Shiva Ardakani
Senior Vice President of Quality Assuranceno datano datano data
Gina Huynh
Director of Finance at TriReme Medicalno datano datano data
Gim Ong
Director of Business Operations and Human Resources of TriReme Medical LLCno datano datano data
Guillermo Piva
Director of Research and Development at TriReme Medicalno datano datano data
Gim Chua Tan
CEO & Executive Director2.8yrsno data11.41%
SGD 1.8m
Ching Xiong Fu
Chief Financial Officer1.8yrsno datano data
John Hallock
Chief Communications Officer2yrsno datano data
Siong Lin Gian
Chief Operating Officer of Dental2.8yrsno data7.1%
SGD 1.1m
Stanley Crittenden
Chief Medical Officerless than a yearno datano data
Pih Peng Lee
Company Secretary8.7yrsno datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Management: V8Y's management team is considered experienced (2.4 years average tenure).

Board Members

Gim Chua Tan
CEO & Executive Director2.8yrsno data11.41%
SGD 1.8m
Fook Ai Ng
Independent Non-Executive Chairman2.8yrsno data0.025%
SGD 4.0k
Kian Hin Sho
Independent Non-Executive Director9.1yrsno data0%
Boon Eng Ng
Independent Non-Executive Director3.3yrsno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: V8Y's board of directors are considered experienced (3 years average tenure).