Boho Group Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

OM:BOHO Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
05 Sep 24BuySEK 45,500Jorgen CederholmIndividual5,000SEK 9.10
27 Aug 24BuySEK 28,360Jorgen CederholmIndividual2,500SEK 11.40
27 Aug 24BuySEK 28,250Jorgen CederholmIndividual2,500SEK 11.30
20 Aug 24BuySEK 65,375Jorgen CederholmIndividual5,050SEK 13.11
20 Aug 24BuySEK 13,400Jorgen CederholmIndividual1,000SEK 13.40
11 Mar 24BuySEK 13,387Jorgen CederholmIndividual1,300SEK 10.35
18 Jan 24BuySEK 6,400Jorgen CederholmIndividual500SEK 12.80
15 Jan 24BuySEK 49,896Jorgen CederholmIndividual4,320SEK 11.55
11 Jan 24BuySEK 16,575Jorgen CederholmIndividual1,500SEK 11.05
03 Jan 24BuySEK 18,150Jorgen CederholmIndividual1,500SEK 12.10
14 Dec 23BuySEK 8,856Andreas BonnierIndividual1,080SEK 8.20
22 Nov 23BuySEK 44,700Andreas BonnierIndividual5,000SEK 8.94
22 Nov 23BuySEK 41,034Jorgen CederholmIndividual4,660SEK 8.97

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: BOHO insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of BOHO?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
VC/PE Firms4,575,0007.93%
General Public6,739,96711.7%
Individual Insiders7,097,55312.3%
Private Companies33,350,42357.8%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have not been meaningfully diluted in the past year.

Top Shareholders

Top 11 shareholders own 88.32% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
House Of K Holding Limited
8,597,273SEK 77.4m0%no data
Fastighets Aktiebolag BrÄNnerÖD
7,254,000SEK 65.3m-0.41%no data
Andreas Bonnier
6,129,112SEK 55.2m0%no data
Rocet Ab
5,868,922SEK 52.8m0%no data
Egonomics AB
5,050,000SEK 45.4m0%no data
LMK Forward AB
4,575,000SEK 41.2m0%47.45%
Bosmac Invest AB
4,000,000SEK 36.0m0%no data
SIX Group AG, Asset Management Arm
3,909,590SEK 35.2m0%0.57%
Bernt Lundberg Fastigheter Lund AB
2,580,228SEK 23.2m0%no data
Avanza Fonder AB
2,024,472SEK 18.2m0%0.04%
Jorgen Cederholm
968,441SEK 8.7m1.69%no data