Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A.

BVL:BACKUSI1 Stock Report

Market Cap: S/27.3b

Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y JohnstonA Management

Management criteria checks 1/4

We currently do not have sufficient information about the CEO.

Key information

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentagen/a
CEO tenureno data
CEO ownershipn/a
Management average tenure1.8yrs
Board average tenure18.8yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates


Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y JohnstonA has no CEO, or we have no data on them.

Leadership Team

Marcio Juliano
President of BU2.7yrsno datano data
Griselda Insua
Chief Financial Officer3.7yrsno datano data
Jose Alfaro
Vice President of Legal & Corporate Affairsless than a yearno datano data
Alejandro Molina
Vice President of Marketing2.7yrsno datano data
Agustina Ochoa
Vice President of People & Transformationless than a yearno datano data
Alejandra Campero
Purchasing & Sustainability Directorless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Management: BACKUSI1's management team is not considered experienced ( 1.8 years average tenure), which suggests a new team.

Board Members

Carlos Pérez Dávila
Director22.7yrsno datano data
Juan García Cañizares
Director21.7yrsno datano data
Karl Gunter Lippert
Director13.7yrsno datano data
Alex Paul Fort Brescia
Independent Director16.4yrsno datano data
Francisco Mujica Serelle
Vice-Chairman of the Board14.3yrsno datano data
Carmen Graham Ayllon De Espinoza
Independent Director9.8yrsno datano data
Carlos Bentín Remy
Independent Director20yrsno datano data
José Payet Puccio
Independent Director18.8yrsno datano data
Manuel Romero Caro
Independent Director20.5yrsno datano data
Andrés Peñat Giraldo
Directorno datano datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: BACKUSI1's board of directors are seasoned and experienced ( 18.8 years average tenure).