P/F Bakkafrost Valuation

Is BAKKA undervalued compared to its fair value, analyst forecasts and its price relative to the market?

Valuation Score


Valuation Score 3/6

  • Below Fair Value

  • Significantly Below Fair Value

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Peers

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Industry

  • Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio

  • Analyst Forecast

Share Price vs Fair Value

What is the Fair Price of BAKKA when looking at its future cash flows? For this estimate we use a Discounted Cash Flow model.

Below Fair Value: BAKKA (NOK587) is trading below our estimate of fair value (NOK1139.49)

Significantly Below Fair Value: BAKKA is trading below fair value by more than 20%.

Key Valuation Metric

Which metric is best to use when looking at relative valuation for BAKKA?

Other financial metrics that can be useful for relative valuation.

BAKKA key valuation metrics and ratios. From Price to Earnings, Price to Sales and Price to Book to Price to Earnings Growth Ratio, Enterprise Value and EBITDA.
Key Statistics
Enterprise Value/Revenue3.3x
Enterprise Value/EBITDA14.4x
PEG Ratio0.7x

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Peers

How does BAKKA's PE Ratio compare to its peers?

The above table shows the PE ratio for BAKKA vs its peers. Here we also display the market cap and forecasted growth for additional consideration.
CompanyForward PEEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Peer Average15.6x
LSG Lerøy Seafood Group
18.1x26.6%NOK 29.2b
AUSS Austevoll Seafood
11.3x12.6%NOK 19.5b
ORK Orkla
16.3x3.4%NOK 98.5b
16.8x29.3%NOK 97.3b
BAKKA P/F Bakkafrost
24.4x34.3%NOK 34.8b

Price-To-Earnings vs Peers: BAKKA is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (24.4x) compared to the peer average (15.6x).

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Industry

How does BAKKA's PE Ratio compare vs other companies in the European Food Industry?

0 CompaniesPrice / EarningsEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Industry Avg.n/a25.0%
No. of CompaniesPE048121620

Fetching data

0 CompaniesPrice / EarningsEstimated GrowthMarket Cap
Industry Avg.n/a25.0%
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Price-To-Earnings vs Industry: BAKKA is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (24.4x) compared to the European Food industry average (14.4x).

Price to Earnings Ratio vs Fair Ratio

What is BAKKA's PE Ratio compared to its Fair PE Ratio? This is the expected PE Ratio taking into account the company's forecast earnings growth, profit margins and other risk factors.

BAKKA PE Ratio vs Fair Ratio.
Fair Ratio
Current PE Ratio24.4x
Fair PE Ratio22.4x

Price-To-Earnings vs Fair Ratio: BAKKA is expensive based on its Price-To-Earnings Ratio (24.4x) compared to the estimated Fair Price-To-Earnings Ratio (22.4x).

Analyst Price Targets

What is the analyst 12-month forecast and do we have any statistical confidence in the consensus price target?

The above table shows the analyst BAKKA forecast and predictions for the stock price in 12 month’s time.
DateShare PriceAverage 1Y Price TargetDispersionHighLow1Y Actual priceAnalysts
CurrentNOK 587.00
NOK 705.33
7.8%NOK 786.39NOK 629.11n/a6
Sep ’25NOK 574.50
NOK 709.85
9.8%NOK 794.53NOK 616.62n/a6
Aug ’25NOK 566.00
NOK 726.54
10.1%NOK 806.80NOK 624.14n/a6
Jul ’25NOK 543.00
NOK 706.01
11.5%NOK 802.96NOK 600.86n/a6
Jun ’25NOK 577.00
NOK 702.49
11.3%NOK 800.62NOK 600.66n/a6
May ’25NOK 679.00
NOK 708.12
14.1%NOK 812.70NOK 561.32n/a6
Apr ’25NOK 697.00
NOK 689.18
12.0%NOK 794.40NOK 563.31n/a7
Mar ’25NOK 664.00
NOK 648.50
12.5%NOK 779.75NOK 552.92n/a7
Feb ’25NOK 588.50
NOK 580.71
13.1%NOK 697.79NOK 499.33n/a7
Jan ’25NOK 532.00
NOK 534.96
12.4%NOK 687.87NOK 473.24n/a7
Dec ’24NOK 525.00
NOK 556.81
13.0%NOK 721.60NOK 494.25n/a7
Nov ’24NOK 509.50
NOK 580.73
16.6%NOK 810.65NOK 499.08n/a7
Oct ’24NOK 547.50
NOK 600.14
12.3%NOK 748.75NOK 526.12n/a6
Sep ’24NOK 532.50
NOK 622.26
11.7%NOK 754.01NOK 529.82NOK 574.506
Aug ’24NOK 597.00
NOK 726.56
7.2%NOK 810.48NOK 672.11NOK 566.006
Jul ’24NOK 642.00
NOK 765.35
7.4%NOK 838.53NOK 688.76NOK 543.006
Jun ’24NOK 739.00
NOK 777.91
8.6%NOK 884.36NOK 689.42NOK 577.006
May ’24NOK 776.00
NOK 754.08
7.8%NOK 883.19NOK 698.79NOK 679.007
Apr ’24NOK 678.50
NOK 710.62
9.0%NOK 852.74NOK 640.53NOK 697.007
Mar ’24NOK 662.50
NOK 684.54
10.5%NOK 849.84NOK 620.34NOK 664.007
Feb ’24NOK 615.00
NOK 626.41
4.3%NOK 667.13NOK 588.96NOK 588.507
Jan ’24NOK 616.00
NOK 589.70
7.5%NOK 650.03NOK 526.32NOK 532.007
Dec ’23NOK 550.50
NOK 569.08
5.6%NOK 626.05NOK 524.54NOK 525.006
Nov ’23NOK 519.00
NOK 619.85
16.9%NOK 844.54NOK 534.47NOK 509.506
Oct ’23NOK 432.80
NOK 735.96
12.1%NOK 858.42NOK 621.04NOK 547.506
Sep ’23NOK 579.50
NOK 709.70
9.1%NOK 787.13NOK 609.80NOK 532.506

Analyst Forecast: Target price is more than 20% higher than the current share price and analysts are within a statistically confident range of agreement.

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