TotalEnergies Marketing Maroc S.A.

CBSE:TMA Stock Report

Market Cap: د.م13.4b

TotalEnergies Marketing Maroc Balance Sheet Health

Financial Health criteria checks 4/6

TotalEnergies Marketing Maroc has a total shareholder equity of MAD2.3B and total debt of MAD763.6M, which brings its debt-to-equity ratio to 33%. Its total assets and total liabilities are MAD9.3B and MAD7.0B respectively. TotalEnergies Marketing Maroc's EBIT is MAD388.1M making its interest coverage ratio 6. It has cash and short-term investments of MAD1.5B.

Key information


Debt to equity ratio



Interest coverage ratio6x
Total liabilitiesد.م6.96b
Total assetsد.م9.27b

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Financial Position Analysis

Short Term Liabilities: TMA's short term assets (MAD6.1B) do not cover its short term liabilities (MAD6.3B).

Long Term Liabilities: TMA's short term assets (MAD6.1B) exceed its long term liabilities (MAD671.4M).

Debt to Equity History and Analysis

Debt Level: TMA has more cash than its total debt.

Reducing Debt: TMA's debt to equity ratio has increased from 27.8% to 33% over the past 5 years.

Debt Coverage: TMA's debt is well covered by operating cash flow (230.3%).

Interest Coverage: TMA's interest payments on its debt are well covered by EBIT (6x coverage).

Balance Sheet

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