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Delattre Levivier Maroc CBSE:DLM Stock Report

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08 Apr, 2023


Company Financials

Delattre Levivier Maroc S.A.

CBSE:DLM Stock Report

Market Cap: د.م70.0m

DLM Stock Overview

Delattre Levivier Maroc S.A. provides heavy construction services in Morocco.

DLM fundamental analysis
Snowflake Score
Future Growth0/6
Past Performance0/6
Financial Health0/6

Delattre Levivier Maroc S.A. Competitors

Price History & Performance

Summary of all time highs, changes and price drops for Delattre Levivier Maroc
Historical stock prices
Current Share Priceد.م40.00
52 Week Highد.م78.29
52 Week Lowد.م32.94
11 Month Change0%
3 Month Change0%
1 Year Change-39.21%
33 Year Change77.78%
5 Year Change-78.32%
Change since IPO-89.94%

Recent News & Updates

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Shareholder Returns

DLMMA ConstructionMA Market

Return vs Industry: DLM underperformed the MA Construction industry which returned 24.8% over the past year.

Return vs Market: DLM underperformed the MA Market which returned 3.3% over the past year.

Price Volatility

Is DLM's price volatile compared to industry and market?
DLM volatility
DLM Average Weekly Movementn/a
Construction Industry Average Movement5.9%
Market Average Movement4.1%
10% most volatile stocks in MA Market7.2%
10% least volatile stocks in MA Market2.8%

Stable Share Price: DLM has not had significant price volatility in the past 3 months.

Volatility Over Time: Insufficient data to determine DLM's volatility change over the past year.

About the Company


Delattre Levivier Maroc S.A. provides heavy construction services in Morocco. The company manufactures crushing units, conveyors, storage, hoppers, station of crushing, and decanters for mining industry; equipment for chemical industry, including converters, gas scrubbers, gas treatment, chimneys, storage tanks, exchangers, distillation columns, ducts, pipings, dryers, granulators, and cyclones; equipment of submarine production, such as oil platforms, decks, plems, piles, riser anchors, devices under pressure, and jackets for offshore industry; and natural gas pipeline and tanks, storage tanks, piping, steel structures, electro and bag filters, coal-fired boilers, boiler drums, and wind energy towers for energy sector. It also constructs decks, penstocks, shieldings, bottom valves, valve area, cofferdams, grids, docks, and bridges; builds fuel storage tanks, pressure vessels for refinery, pipeline, and piping for oil industry; and manufactures cigars, pressure vessels to store the gas, storage spheres, and pipeline for gas sector.

Delattre Levivier Maroc S.A. Fundamentals Summary

How do Delattre Levivier Maroc's earnings and revenue compare to its market cap?
DLM fundamental statistics
Market capد.م70.00m
Earnings (TTM)-د.م93.74m
Revenue (TTM)د.م107.26m


P/S Ratio


P/E Ratio

Earnings & Revenue

Key profitability statistics from the latest earnings report (TTM)
DLM income statement (TTM)
Cost of Revenueد.م65.88m
Gross Profitد.م41.38m
Other Expensesد.م135.12m

Last Reported Earnings

Jun 30, 2021

Next Earnings Date


Earnings per share (EPS)0
Gross Margin0.00%
Net Profit Margin0.00%
Debt/Equity Ratio0.0%

How did DLM perform over the long term?

See historical performance and comparison