Renuka Hotels PLC

COSE:RCH.N0000 Stock Report

Market Cap: LK₨3.8b

Renuka Hotels Management

Management criteria checks 2/4

We currently do not have sufficient information about the CEO.

Key information

Shibani Thambiayah

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentagen/a
CEO tenure19.5yrs
CEO ownership2.6%
Management average tenure7yrs
Board average tenure14.2yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates


Shibani Thambiayah



Mrs. Shibani Renuka Thambiayah serves as Executive Joint Managing Director and General Manager at Renuka City Hotels Plc (Alternative name is Renuka City Hotels Ltd) and has also been its Executive Directo...

Leadership Team

Shibani Thambiayah
Executive Chairperson & Joint MDno datano data2.6%
LKR 97.7m
Arnila Thambiayah
Joint MD & Executive Directorno datano data2.36%
LKR 88.5m
Nirmalie Thambiayah
Executive Deputy Chairman28yrsno data16.4%
LKR 615.4m
G. Koggalage
Head of Finance & Executive Director7.3yrsno datano data
Niruja Thambiayah
Non Independent Non-Executive Director14.2yrsno datano data
Ravindra Thambiayah
Executive Director6.6yrsno data42.41%
LKR 1.6b
M. Jayawardena
Company Secretary & Directorno datano datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Management: RCH.N0000's management team is seasoned and experienced (7 years average tenure).

Board Members

Shibani Thambiayah
Executive Chairperson & Joint MD19.5yrsno data2.6%
LKR 97.7m
Arnila Thambiayah
Joint MD & Executive Director15.6yrsno data2.36%
LKR 88.5m
Nirmalie Thambiayah
Executive Deputy Chairman28yrsno data16.4%
LKR 615.4m
G. Koggalage
Head of Finance & Executive Director1.3yrsno datano data
Niruja Thambiayah
Non Independent Non-Executive Director14.2yrsno datano data
Ravindra Thambiayah
Executive Director6.6yrsno data42.41%
LKR 1.6b
M. Jayawardena
Company Secretary & Director19.5yrsno datano data
Rajan Asirwatham
Non-Independent Non-Executive Directorno datano datano data
P. M. Fernando
Senior Independent Directorless than a yearno datano data
S.M.A.N Ranaweera
Independent Non-Executive Directorless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: RCH.N0000's board of directors are seasoned and experienced ( 14.2 years average tenure).