PLAIDInc Management

Management criteria checks 0/4

We currently do not have sufficient information about the CEO.

Key information

Kenta Kurahashi

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentagen/a
CEO tenureno data
CEO ownership27.1%
Management average tenureless than a year
Board average tenure2.8yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

Market Participants Recognise PLAID,Inc.'s (TSE:4165) Revenues Pushing Shares 31% Higher

Nov 14
Market Participants Recognise PLAID,Inc.'s (TSE:4165) Revenues Pushing Shares 31% Higher

Investors Appear Satisfied With PLAID,Inc.'s (TSE:4165) Prospects As Shares Rocket 27%

Sep 04
Investors Appear Satisfied With PLAID,Inc.'s (TSE:4165) Prospects As Shares Rocket 27%

Why Investors Shouldn't Be Surprised By PLAID,Inc.'s (TSE:4165) 26% Share Price Surge

May 21
Why Investors Shouldn't Be Surprised By PLAID,Inc.'s (TSE:4165) 26% Share Price Surge


Kenta Kurahashi (41 yo)

no data


Mr. Kenta Kurahashi serves as Representative Director and Chief Executive Officer of PLAID,Inc. and has been its Executive Officer and Head of KARTE Division since January 1, 2022.

Leadership Team

Kenta Kurahashi
CEO, Executive Officerno datano data27.08%
¥ 16.2b
Naoki Shibayama
CPO, Executive Officerno datano data17.45%
¥ 10.5b
Keitaro Takayanagi
Executive Officerno datano data0.72%
¥ 432.5m
Kazuhiko Umemura
Executive Officerno datano datano data
Mahiro Saka
Executive Officerno datano datano data
Naohiko Takemura
Executive Officerno datano datano data
Yuichiro Kuwano
Executive Officer1.8yrsno datano data
So Nishina
Executive Officerless than a yearno datano data
Jun Kusahana
Executive Officerless than a yearno datano data
Tomoe Kitai
Executive Officerless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: 4165's management team is not considered experienced ( 0.8 years average tenure), which suggests a new team.

Board Members

Kenta Kurahashi
CEO, Executive Officerno datano data27.08%
¥ 16.2b
Naoki Shibayama
CPO, Executive Officerno datano data17.45%
¥ 10.5b
Keitaro Takayanagi
Executive Officerno datano data0.72%
¥ 432.5m
Masao Hirano
Independent Outside Director5.7yrsno datano data
Kentaro Muto
Director1.9yrsno data0.62%
¥ 371.5m
Goto Keishi
Audit & Supervisory Board Member4.9yrsno data0.042%
¥ 25.2m
Akihito Nakamachi
Outside Corporate Auditor2.8yrsno datano data
Kenji Yamanami
Outside Corporate Auditor2.8yrsno datano data
Kaoru Matsuzawa
Independent Outside Director1.9yrsno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: 4165's board of directors are not considered experienced ( 2.8 years average tenure), which suggests a new board.