DM SolutionsLtd Management

Management criteria checks 2/4

DM SolutionsLtd's CEO is Takuji Hanaya, appointed in Sep 2004, has a tenure of 20.08 years. directly owns 32.9% of the company’s shares, worth ¥1.18B. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 13.6 years and 12.3 years respectively.

Key information

Takuji Hanaya

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentagen/a
CEO tenure20.1yrs
CEO ownership32.9%
Management average tenure13.6yrs
Board average tenure12.3yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

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May 22
We Think That There Are Issues Underlying DM SolutionsLtd's (TSE:6549) Earnings

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Apr 09
Is DM SolutionsLtd (TSE:6549) A Risky Investment?


Takuji Hanaya (51 yo)



Mr. Takuji Hanaya is President & Representative Director of DM Solutions Co.,Ltd from September 2004.

Leadership Team

Takuji Hanaya
President & Representative Director20.1yrsno data32.9%
¥ 1.2b
Shinichiro Yoshida
Executive Officer & Head of Administrationno datano datano data
Hirotoshi Fukumura
VP & Director14.6yrsno data30%
¥ 1.1b
Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
Head of Digital Marketing & Director7.3yrsno datano data
Junichi Katsuyama
Head of Direct Mail Business & Director13.6yrsno data0.11%
¥ 3.8m
Kazuo Kimura
Head of Vertical Media Business & Director7.3yrsno datano data
Nobuo Yoshino
Executive Officer & In charge of Direct Mail Businessno datano datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: 6549's management team is seasoned and experienced (13.6 years average tenure).

Board Members

Takuji Hanaya
President & Representative Director20.1yrsno data32.9%
¥ 1.2b
Hirotoshi Fukumura
VP & Directorno datano data30%
¥ 1.1b
Tsuyoshi Kobayashi
Head of Digital Marketing & Director13.6yrsno datano data
Junichi Katsuyama
Head of Direct Mail Business & Director13.6yrsno data0.11%
¥ 3.8m
Kazuo Kimura
Head of Vertical Media Business & Director7.3yrsno datano data
Tetsuo Saito
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member12.3yrsno datano data
Yukio Takami
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members11.3yrsno datano data
Yu Matsufuji
Independent Outside Director7.3yrsno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: 6549's board of directors are seasoned and experienced ( 12.3 years average tenure).