Omkar Speciality Chemicals Limited

BSE:533317 Stock Report

Market Cap: ₹171.4m

Omkar Speciality Chemicals Dividends and Buybacks

Dividend criteria checks 0/6

Omkar Speciality Chemicals does not currently pay a dividend.

Key information


Dividend yield


Buyback Yield

Total Shareholder Yieldn/a
Future Dividend Yieldn/a
Dividend Growthn/a
Next dividend pay daten/a
Ex dividend daten/a
Dividend per share₹1.500
Payout ratio0%

Recent dividend and buyback updates

No updates

Recent updates

Stability and Growth of Payments

Fetching dividends data

Stable Dividend: Insufficient data to determine if 533317's dividends per share have been stable in the past.

Growing Dividend: Insufficient data to determine if 533317's dividend payments have been increasing.

Dividend Yield vs Market

Omkar Speciality Chemicals Dividend Yield vs Market
How does 533317 dividend yield compare to the market?
SegmentDividend Yield
Company (533317)0%
Market Bottom 25% (IN)0.2%
Market Top 25% (IN)1.1%
Industry Average (Chemicals)0.7%
Analyst forecast (533317) (up to 3 years)n/a

Notable Dividend: Unable to evaluate 533317's dividend yield against the bottom 25% of dividend payers, as the company has not reported any recent payouts.

High Dividend: Unable to evaluate 533317's dividend yield against the top 25% of dividend payers, as the company has not reported any recent payouts.

Earnings Payout to Shareholders

Earnings Coverage: 533317 is not paying a notable dividend for the Indian market.

Cash Payout to Shareholders

Cash Flow Coverage: Unable to calculate sustainability of dividends as 533317 has not reported any payouts.

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