Guangdong Syntrust GK Testing and Certification Tech Service Center Co., Ltd.

SEHK:8629 Stock Report

Market Cap: HK$356.3m

Guangdong Syntrust GK Testing and Certification Tech Service Center Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

SEHK:8629 Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
11 Sep 24BuyHK$5,247,000Kun ZhangIndividual530,000HK$9.90
10 Sep 24BuyHK$5,222,251Yunling ZhangIndividual527,500HK$9.90
09 Sep 24BuyHK$193,050Yishuang LiangIndividual19,500HK$9.90
09 Sep 24BuyHK$19,235,705Jiangjun LinIndividual1,943,000HK$9.90
09 Sep 24BuyHK$10,979,103Sheng Yu LinIndividual1,109,000HK$9.90
09 Sep 24BuyHK$10,979,103Menghua ChenIndividual1,109,000HK$9.90
06 Sep 24BuyHK$10,612,801Guang Dong Holdings LimitedCompany1,072,000HK$9.90
06 Sep 24BuyHK$10,281,151Sili LuIndividual1,038,500HK$9.90

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: 8629 insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of 8629?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
General Public1,910,0005.63%
Individual Insiders7,197,00021.2%
Private Companies24,822,00073.2%

Dilution of Shares: 8629 only recently listed within the past 12 months

Top Shareholders

Top 9 shareholders own 94.37% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Xinyi City Xinhui State-owned Capital Investment Group Co., Ltd.
23,750,000HK$249.4m0%no data
Jiangjun Lin
1,943,000HK$20.4m0%no data
Sheng Yu Lin
1,109,000HK$11.6m0%no data
Guang Dong Holdings Limited
1,072,000HK$11.3m0%no data
Menghua Chen
1,049,500HK$11.0m0%no data
Sili Lu
1,038,500HK$10.9m0%no data
Yishuang Liang
999,500HK$10.5m0%no data
Kun Zhang
530,000HK$5.6m0%no data
Yunling Zhang
527,500HK$5.5m0%no data