De'Longhi Management

Management criteria checks 2/4

De'Longhi's CEO is Fabio de' Longhi, appointed in Sep 2022, has a tenure of 2.25 years. total yearly compensation is €1.84M, comprised of 46.5% salary and 53.5% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.14% of the company’s shares, worth €6.38M. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 1.4 years and 11.7 years respectively.

Key information

Fabio de' Longhi

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentage46.5%
CEO tenure2.3yrs
CEO ownership0.1%
Management average tenure1.4yrs
Board average tenure11.7yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Fabio de' Longhi's remuneration changed compared to De'Longhi's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Sep 30 2024n/an/a


Jun 30 2024n/an/a


Mar 31 2024n/an/a


Dec 31 2023€2m€855k


Sep 30 2023n/an/a


Jun 30 2023n/an/a


Mar 31 2023n/an/a


Dec 31 2022€794k€768k


Sep 30 2022n/an/a


Jun 30 2022n/an/a


Mar 31 2022n/an/a


Dec 31 2021€974k€950k


Compensation vs Market: Fabio's total compensation ($USD1.94M) is below average for companies of similar size in the UK market ($USD2.96M).

Compensation vs Earnings: Fabio's compensation has increased by more than 20% in the past year.


Fabio de' Longhi (57 yo)





Mr. Fabio de' Longhi is Chief Executive Officer of De'Longhi S.p.A. since September 2022. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of De' Longhi S.p.A. since June 27, 2005 until May 1, 2020. Mr. de' Longhi...

Leadership Team

Fabio de' Longhi
Vice Chairman & CEO2.3yrs€1.84m0.14%
€ 6.4m
Silvia de' Longhi
Executive Directorno data€652.07kno data
Serafin Nicola
General Manager1.9yrs€1.95mno data
Giuseppe de' Longhi
Executive Chairman17.9yrs€1.30m53.58%
€ 2.4b
Fabrizio Micheli
Finance Director and IRMno datano datano data
Eliza Sheffield
President of De'Longhi Americaless than a yearno datano data
Mike Prager
Chief Executive Officer of De'Longhi Group North Americaless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: 0E5M's management team is not considered experienced ( 1.4 years average tenure), which suggests a new team.

Board Members

Fabio de' Longhi
Vice Chairman & CEO23.7yrs€1.84m0.14%
€ 6.4m
Silvia de' Longhi
Executive Director17.4yrs€652.07kno data
Giuseppe de' Longhi
Executive Chairman17.9yrs€1.30m53.58%
€ 2.4b
Ferruccio Borsani
Independent Non-Executive Director5.7yrs€76.00kno data
Carlo Garavaglia
Non-Executive Director14.7yrs€74.00kno data
Massimiliano Benedetti
Independent Non-Executive Director6.7yrs€78.00kno data
Cesare Conti
Chairman of Board of Statutory Auditorsno datano datano data
Stefania Petruccioli
Non-Executive Director11.7yrs€62.00kno data
Micaela Le Divelec Lemmi
Non-Executive & Independent Director2.7yrs€90.00kno data
Carlo Grossi
Independent Director2.9yrs€82.50kno data
Maria Pagni
Non-Executive Director11.7yrs€60.00kno data
Luisa Maria Collina
Independent Non-Executive Director8.7yrs€100.00kno data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: 0E5M's board of directors are seasoned and experienced ( 11.7 years average tenure).