Veidekke Management

Management criteria checks 4/4

Veidekke's CEO is Jimmy Bengtsson, appointed in Sep 2019, has a tenure of 5.25 years. total yearly compensation is NOK6.62M, comprised of 71.1% salary and 28.9% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.056% of the company’s shares, worth NOK10.68M. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 4.6 years and 4.6 years respectively.

Key information

Jimmy Bengtsson

Chief executive officer

NOK 6.6m

Total compensation

CEO salary percentage71.1%
CEO tenure5.3yrs
CEO ownership0.06%
Management average tenure4.6yrs
Board average tenure4.6yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Jimmy Bengtsson's remuneration changed compared to Veidekke's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Sep 30 2024n/an/a

NOK 1b

Jun 30 2024n/an/a

NOK 1b

Mar 31 2024n/an/a

NOK 1b

Dec 31 2023NOK 7mNOK 5m

NOK 1b

Sep 30 2023n/an/a

NOK 1b

Jun 30 2023n/an/a

NOK 1b

Mar 31 2023n/an/a

NOK 1b

Dec 31 2022NOK 6mNOK 4m

NOK 1b

Sep 30 2022n/an/a

NOK 905m

Jun 30 2022n/an/a

NOK 889m

Mar 31 2022n/an/a

NOK 904m

Dec 31 2021NOK 6mNOK 4m

NOK 958m

Sep 30 2021n/an/a

NOK 931m

Jun 30 2021n/an/a

NOK 997m

Mar 31 2021n/an/a

NOK 985m

Dec 31 2020NOK 4mNOK 4m

NOK 842m

Sep 30 2020n/an/a

NOK 467m

Jun 30 2020n/an/a

NOK 348m

Mar 31 2020n/an/a

NOK 352m

Dec 31 2019NOK 4mNOK 4m

NOK 392m

Sep 30 2019n/an/a

NOK 384m

Jun 30 2019n/an/a

NOK 484m

Mar 31 2019n/an/a

NOK 82m

Jan 01 2019n/an/a

NOK 119m

Sep 30 2018n/an/a

NOK 700m

Jun 30 2018n/an/a

NOK 670m

Mar 31 2018n/an/a

NOK 1b

Dec 31 2017NOK 4mNOK 3m

NOK 1b

Compensation vs Market: Jimmy's total compensation ($USD596.46K) is below average for companies of similar size in the UK market ($USD2.35M).

Compensation vs Earnings: Jimmy's compensation has been consistent with company performance over the past year.


Jimmy Bengtsson (58 yo)



NOK 6,622,000


Mr. Jimmy Bengtsson serves as Group Chief Executive Officer of Veidekke ASA since September 1,2019. Mr. Bengtsson served as Executive Vice President of Construction Sweden at Veidekke ASA since January 1,...

Leadership Team

Jimmy Bengtsson
Group Chief Executive Officer5.3yrsNOK 6.62m0.056%
NOK 10.7m
Jørgen Porsmyr
Executive VP & CFO4.3yrsNOK 4.25m0.097%
NOK 18.4m
Kristina Andreasson
Executive Vice President of Communications & Branding4.3yrsNOK 2.80m0.014%
NOK 2.7m
Anne Thorbjørnsen
Executive VP for HR and Occupational Health & Safety6.2yrsNOK 3.10m0.033%
NOK 6.2m
Torben Nielsen
Head of Operations in Denmarkno dataNOK 800.00k0.078%
NOK 14.9m
Terje Larsen
Executive Vice President of Risk Management & IT4.3yrsNOK 3.74m0.087%
NOK 16.5m
Lars Lund
Executive Vice President of Strategy & Sustainability4.9yrsNOK 3.39m0.014%
NOK 2.7m
Hans Sørlie
Executive Vice President of Veidekke Construction Norway6.4yrsNOK 4.00m0.062%
NOK 11.7m
Øivind Larsen
Executive Vice President of Veidekke Infrastructure - Norway6.5yrsNOK 4.35m0.027%
NOK 5.2m
Marcus Nilsson
Executive Vice President of Veidekke Infrastructure Sweden3.9yrsNOK 3.31m0.027%
NOK 5.1m
Martin Gadd
Executive Vice President of Building Construction Swedenless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: 0GF6's management team is considered experienced (4.6 years average tenure).

Board Members

Per-Ingemar Persson
Independent Director4.6yrsNOK 458.00k0.041%
NOK 7.8m
Gro Bakstad
Independent Chairman of the Board14.9yrsNOK 717.00k0.011%
NOK 2.2m
Carola Laven
Independent Director3.6yrsNOK 370.00kno data
Hanne Rønneberg
Independent Director4.6yrsNOK 445.00k0.0020%
NOK 379.3k
Inge Ramsdal
Employee Representative Director16.9yrsNOK 370.00k0.0067%
NOK 1.3m
Arve Fludal
Employee Representative Director9.6yrsNOK 370.00k0.0049%
NOK 919.7k
Nils Bohler
Director1.6yrsno datano data
Pal Eitrheim
Independent Director2.6yrsno datano data
Knut Opheim
Employee Representative Directorless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: 0GF6's board of directors are considered experienced (4.6 years average tenure).