Paragon ID Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

DB:AS6A Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
01 Nov 23Buy€40,586Paragon Group LimitedCompany1,066€38.10
30 Oct 23Buy€93,124Paragon Group LimitedCompany2,450€38.01
27 Oct 23Buy€34,209Paragon Group LimitedCompany900€38.01
26 Oct 23Buy€29,154Paragon Group LimitedCompany767€38.01
25 Oct 23Buy€23,414Paragon Group LimitedCompany616€38.01
24 Oct 23Buy€48,805Paragon Group LimitedCompany1,284€38.01
23 Oct 23Buy€17,599Paragon Group LimitedCompany463€38.01
20 Oct 23Buy€4,409Paragon Group LimitedCompany116€38.01
19 Oct 23Buy€26,873Paragon Group LimitedCompany707€38.01
18 Oct 23Buy€201,111Paragon Group LimitedCompany5,291€38.01
17 Oct 23Buy€21,286Paragon Group LimitedCompany560€38.01
16 Oct 23Buy€29,116Paragon Group LimitedCompany766€38.01
13 Oct 23Buy€40,899Paragon Group LimitedCompany1,076€38.01
12 Oct 23Buy€136,418Paragon Group LimitedCompany3,589€38.01
10 Oct 23Buy€7,298Paragon Group LimitedCompany192€38.01
09 Oct 23Buy€112,206Paragon Group LimitedCompany2,952€38.01
06 Oct 23Buy€45,650Paragon Group LimitedCompany1,201€38.01
05 Oct 23Buy€2,606,460Paragon Group LimitedCompany68,573€38.01
04 Oct 23Buy€75,526Paragon Group LimitedCompany1,987€38.01
03 Oct 23Buy€103,273Paragon Group LimitedCompany2,717€38.01
02 Oct 23Buy€289,712Paragon Group LimitedCompany7,622€38.01
29 Sep 23Buy€60,664Paragon Group LimitedCompany1,596€38.01
28 Sep 23Buy€202,403Paragon Group LimitedCompany5,325€38.01

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: Insufficient data to determine if insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of AS6A?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Private Companies1,896,94793.7%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have not been meaningfully diluted in the past year.

Top Shareholders

Top 6 shareholders own 102.16% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Paragon Group Limited
1,896,947€72.1m6.39%no data
LBO France
Française Asset Management
OFI Asset Management SA
Aviva Investors Global Services Ltd.
7,552€287.0k0%no data
Maitice Gestion