Avicanna Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

DB:0NN Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
11 Sep 24Buy€47,556ThreeD Capital Inc.Company205,000€0.23
06 Sep 24Buy€17,588ThreeD Capital Inc.Company60,000€0.29
05 Sep 24Buy€55,583ThreeD Capital Inc.Company196,000€0.29
28 Aug 24Buy€200,300ThreeD Capital Inc.Company1,000,000€0.20
19 Jul 24Buy€36,318ThreeD Capital Inc.Company135,000€0.27
12 Jul 24Buy€95,382ThreeD Capital Inc.Company300,000€0.33
10 Jul 24Buy€8,654ThreeD Capital Inc.Company30,000€0.29
08 Jul 24Buy€34,483ThreeD Capital Inc.Company118,500€0.29
08 Jul 24Buy€1,269ThreeD Capital Inc.Company5,000€0.25
04 Jul 24Buy€58,201ThreeD Capital Inc.Company218,000€0.28
02 Jul 24Buy€2,017Sheldon InwentashIndividual11,407€0.18
27 Jun 24Buy€195,014ThreeD Capital Inc.Company724,000€0.33
25 Jun 24Buy€17,559Paul FornazzariIndividual88,500€0.20
24 Jun 24Buy€21,881ThreeD Capital Inc.Company117,500€0.20
20 Jun 24Buy€9,907ThreeD Capital Inc.Company50,000€0.20
17 Jun 24Buy€40,464Sheldon InwentashIndividual209,000€0.20
12 Jun 24Buy€22,607Sheldon InwentashIndividual130,500€0.17
06 Jun 24Buy€25,221Sheldon InwentashIndividual150,500€0.17
31 May 24Buy€23,890Sheldon InwentashIndividual130,000€0.19
28 May 24Buy€168,989Paul FornazzariIndividual911,500€0.19
28 May 24Buy€28,031Sheldon InwentashIndividual160,000€0.18
24 May 24Buy€8,021Sheldon InwentashIndividual45,000€0.18
18 Apr 24Buy€20,462Sheldon InwentashIndividual75,000€0.27
18 Apr 24Buy€27,283ThreeD Capital Inc.Company100,000€0.27
04 Dec 23Buy€35,823ThreeD Capital Inc.Company150,000€0.24

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: 0NN insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of 0NN?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Private Companies2,060,2241.78%
VC/PE Firms8,557,3007.37%
Individual Insiders13,606,33711.7%
General Public91,808,75979.1%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 32.6%.

Top Shareholders

Top 12 shareholders own 20.88% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
ThreeD Capital Inc.
Sheldon Inwentash
6,068,957€1.6m0.19%no data
Aras Azadian
4,396,122€1.2m8.29%no data
El Grupo Daabon
1,477,818€398.8k0%no data
Paul Fornazzari
1,000,000€269.9k0%no data
Giancarlo Char
692,348€186.8k197%no data
Phillip Cardella
686,255€185.2k51.7%no data
Siranom Investment Inc.
535,352€144.5k47.4%no data
John McVicar
489,242€132.0k76.8%no data
Eileen McCormack
273,413€73.8k287%no data
Sambaq Investment Inc.,
35,904€9.7k0%no data
Green Dream Capital
11,150€3.0k0%no data