5th Planet Games Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

DB:2HG1 Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
05 Sep 24Buy€23,052Mark StangerIndividual207,973€0.11

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: 2HG1 insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of 2HG1?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Individual Insiders6,814,7982.54%
General Public109,831,31440.9%
Private Companies151,732,48856.5%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have not been meaningfully diluted in the past year.

Top Shareholders

Top 5 shareholders own 59.08% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Skybound Game Studios, Inc
151,732,488€16.1m0%no data
Henrik Nielsen
4,844,262€514.1k0%no data
David Alpert
1,345,000€142.7k896%no data
Mark Stanger
490,536€52.1k73.6%no data
Jon Goldman
135,000€14.3k0%no data