Stavely Minerals Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

DB:SY3 Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
18 Jul 24Buy€123,317Peter IronsideIndividual5,405,406€0.023
18 Jul 24Buy€30,829Christopher CairnsIndividual1,351,350€0.023
18 Jul 24Buy€30,829Jennifer MurphyIndividual1,351,350€0.023
18 Jul 24Buy€30,829Amanda SparksIndividual1,351,350€0.023

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: SY3 insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of SY3?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Public Companies00%
Private Companies00%
Individual Insiders59,771,17112.4%
General Public396,026,48982.2%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 27.6%.

Top Shareholders

Top 6 shareholders own 17.76% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Peter Ironside
38,048,944€682.4k16.6%no data
Jupiter Fund Management Plc
25,742,764€461.7k45.4%no data
Christopher Cairns
10,037,729€180.0k15.6%no data
Jennifer Murphy
6,984,165€125.3k24%no data
Amanda Sparks
4,055,889€72.7k50%no data
Robert Dennis
644,444€11.6k0%no data