Golden Spike Resources Corp.

DB:L5Y Stock Report

Market Cap: €7.2m

Golden Spike Resources Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

DB:L5Y Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
04 Sep 24Sell€125,382Blair NaughtyIndividual854,000€0.15
19 Aug 24Sell€26,664Joseph CullenIndividual200,000€0.15
14 Aug 24Buy€5,776Blair NaughtyIndividual40,000€0.15
14 Aug 24Buy€2,780Northbound Capital Corp.Company20,000€0.14
13 Aug 24Buy€32,955Northbound Capital Corp.Company240,000€0.15
12 Aug 24Buy€58,674Northbound Capital Corp.Company428,500€0.14
01 Aug 24Buy€3,683Blair NaughtyIndividual30,000€0.13
24 Jul 24Buy€3,808Blair NaughtyIndividual30,000€0.13
23 Jul 24Buy€703Blair NaughtyIndividual6,000€0.12
22 Jul 24Buy€2,594Blair NaughtyIndividual21,000€0.12
19 Jul 24Buy€495Blair NaughtyIndividual4,000€0.12
15 Jul 24Buy€2,354Blair NaughtyIndividual19,500€0.12
12 Jul 24Buy€39,715Blair NaughtyIndividual316,500€0.13
11 Jul 24Buy€2,951Blair NaughtyIndividual24,000€0.12
10 Jul 24Buy€3,462Blair NaughtyIndividual30,000€0.12
09 Jul 24Buy€1,952Blair NaughtyIndividual18,000€0.11
28 Jun 24Buy€5,363Blair NaughtyIndividual46,000€0.12
21 Jun 24Buy€204,759Eric SprottIndividual2,000,000€0.10
17 Jun 24Buy€119Blair NaughtyIndividual1,000€0.12
13 Jun 24Buy€1,064Blair NaughtyIndividual9,000€0.12
06 Jun 24Buy€587Blair NaughtyIndividual5,000€0.12
05 Jun 24Buy€7,245Blair NaughtyIndividual60,000€0.12
30 May 24Buy€5,872Blair NaughtyIndividual47,500€0.13
29 May 24Buy€2,665Blair NaughtyIndividual20,000€0.13
28 May 24Buy€18,306Blair NaughtyIndividual142,500€0.13
27 May 24Buy€13,401Blair NaughtyIndividual101,500€0.14
24 May 24Buy€1,848Blair NaughtyIndividual14,500€0.13
22 May 24Buy€624Blair NaughtyIndividual5,000€0.12
21 May 24Buy€11,461Blair NaughtyIndividual85,000€0.13
17 May 24Buy€12,064Blair NaughtyIndividual110,500€0.11
14 May 24Buy€10,717Blair NaughtyIndividual105,500€0.10
13 May 24Buy€9,142Blair NaughtyIndividual90,000€0.10
10 May 24Buy€5,658Blair NaughtyIndividual55,500€0.10
09 May 24Buy€6,446Blair NaughtyIndividual60,000€0.11
22 Apr 24Buy€1,591Blair NaughtyIndividual15,500€0.10
05 Dec 23Buy€136,548Eric SprottIndividual2,500,000€0.055

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: L5Y insiders have sold more shares than they have bought in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of L5Y?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Private Companies688,5001.54%
Individual Insiders13,374,50029.8%
General Public30,766,16668.6%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 24.2%.

Top Shareholders

Top 7 shareholders own 31.37% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Eric Sprott
5,500,000€879.5k57.1%no data
Blair Naughty
4,974,500€795.5k-5.96%no data
Keith Anderson
1,100,000€175.9k0%no data
Joseph Cullen
800,000€127.9k-20%no data
Northbound Capital Corp.
688,500€110.1k0%no data
Patrick Meagher
500,000€80.0k0%no data
Robert Cinits
500,000€80.0k0%no data