Chapel Down Group Management

Management criteria checks 3/4

Chapel Down Group's CEO is Andrew Carter, appointed in Sep 2021, has a tenure of 3.08 years. total yearly compensation is £421.37K, comprised of 97.2% salary and 2.8% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.25% of the company’s shares, worth €260.29K. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 2.8 years and 4.5 years respectively.

Key information

Andrew Carter

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentage97.2%
CEO tenure3.1yrs
CEO ownership0.3%
Management average tenure2.8yrs
Board average tenure4.5yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Andrew Carter's remuneration changed compared to Chapel Down Group's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Jun 30 2024n/an/a


Mar 31 2024n/an/a


Dec 31 2023UK£421kUK£409k


Sep 30 2023n/an/a


Jun 30 2023n/an/a


Mar 31 2023n/an/a


Dec 31 2022UK£398kUK£387k


Compensation vs Market: Andrew's total compensation ($USD553.12K) is about average for companies of similar size in the German market ($USD499.40K).

Compensation vs Earnings: Andrew's compensation has increased whilst the company is unprofitable.


Andrew Carter (56 yo)





Mr. Andrew James Carter is CEO since September 13, 2021 of Chapel Down Group Plc and serves as Director since 2021. He previously held various other roles within the beverages industry including Managing D...

Leadership Team

Andrew Carter
CEO & Director3.1yrsUK£421.37k0.25%
£ 260.3k
Robert Allan Smith
CFO, Company Secretary & Director2.8yrsUK£257.52k1.21%
£ 1.3m
Josh Donaghay-Spire
Head Winemaker & Operations Director2.8yrsno datano data
Tom Hepworth-Bond
Sales Director3.8yrsno datano data
Liam Newton
Group Chief Marketing Officer2.8yrsno datano data
Denise Claxton
Group People Managerless than a yearno datano data
Richard Lewis
Head of Viticultureno datano datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Management: 1U6's management team is considered experienced (2.8 years average tenure).

Board Members

Andrew Carter
CEO & Director3.8yrsUK£421.37k0.25%
£ 260.3k
Robert Allan Smith
CFO, Company Secretary & Director2.8yrsUK£257.52k1.21%
£ 1.3m
James Brooke
Non-Executive Director11.2yrsUK£20.00k0.29%
£ 298.2k
Michael Spencer
Non-Executive Director1.3yrsUK£10.15k0.10%
£ 107.9k
Nigel Wray
Non-Executive Director20.8yrsUK£20.00k13.78%
£ 14.3m
Martin Glenn
Non-Executive Chairman11.8yrsUK£50.00k0.17%
£ 171.2k
Stewart Gilliland
Non-Executive Director3.4yrsUK£20.00k0.23%
£ 236.1k
Samantha Wren
Independent Non-Executive Director5.3yrsUK£20.00k0.079%
£ 81.9k


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: 1U6's board of directors are considered experienced (4.5 years average tenure).