Aker Carbon Capture Management

Management criteria checks 3/4

Aker Carbon Capture's CEO is Valborg Lundegaard, appointed in Jun 2024, has a tenure of less than a year. total yearly compensation is NOK4.15M, comprised of 48.6% salary and 51.4% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.01% of the company’s shares, worth €30.71K. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 1.2 years and 4 years respectively.

Key information

Valborg Lundegaard

Chief executive officer

NOK 4.2m

Total compensation

CEO salary percentage48.6%
CEO tenureless than a year
CEO ownership0.01%
Management average tenure1.2yrs
Board average tenure4yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Valborg Lundegaard's remuneration changed compared to Aker Carbon Capture's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Sep 30 2024n/an/a

-NOK 171m

Jun 30 2024n/an/a

-NOK 229m

Mar 31 2024n/an/a

-NOK 189m

Dec 31 2023NOK 4mNOK 2m

-NOK 171m

Sep 30 2023n/an/a

-NOK 80m

Jun 30 2023n/an/a

-NOK 85m

Mar 31 2023n/an/a

-NOK 193m

Dec 31 2022NOK 6mNOK 4m

-NOK 204m

Sep 30 2022n/an/a

-NOK 226m

Jun 30 2022n/an/a

-NOK 230m

Mar 31 2022n/an/a

-NOK 228m

Dec 31 2021NOK 8mNOK 4m

-NOK 192m

Dec 31 2020NOK 5mNOK 1m

-NOK 89m

Compensation vs Market: Valborg's total compensation ($USD372.15K) is below average for companies of similar size in the German market ($USD1.00M).

Compensation vs Earnings: Valborg's compensation has been consistent with company performance over the past year.


Valborg Lundegaard (64 yo)

less than a year


NOK 4,153,130


Ms. Valborg Lundegaard has been Chief Executive Officer of Aker Carbon Capture AS since June 2024 and held the same position as Chief Executive Officer of Aker Carbon Capture AS from August 01, 2020 until...

Leadership Team

Valborg Lundegaard
Chief Executive Officerless than a yearNOK 4.15m0.0098%
€ 30.7k
Erik Langholm
Chief Operating Officer1.9yrsNOK 4.06m0.0030%
€ 9.5k
Jim Olsen
Chief Technology Officerno dataNOK 2.33m0.0029%
€ 9.3k
Pernille Brente
General Counselno dataNOK 3.17m0.0015%
€ 4.9k
Jon Knudsen
Chief Commercial Officerno dataNOK 4.05m0.012%
€ 36.5k
Nina Westgaard
Chief of Staff1.9yrsNOK 3.56m0.0055%
€ 17.3k
Idun Heier
Chief Financial Officerless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Management: 606's management team is not considered experienced ( 1.2 years average tenure), which suggests a new team.

Board Members

Karl Kjelstad
Non-Independent Deputy Directorless than a yearno datano data
Liv Monica Stubholt
Independent Director3.7yrsNOK 532.00kno data
Oscar Graff
Independent Director4.3yrsNOK 336.00k0.0016%
€ 5.2k
Kristian Rokke
Non-Independent Chairman4.9yrsNOK 651.00kno data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: 606's board of directors are considered experienced (4 years average tenure).