Société Générale Société anonyme

DB:SGE1 Stock Report

Market Cap: €19.7b

Société Générale Société anonyme Management

Management criteria checks 3/4

Société Générale Société anonyme's CEO is Slawomir Krupa, appointed in May 2023, has a tenure of 1.58 years. total yearly compensation is €3.45M, comprised of 28.8% salary and 71.2% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.006% of the company’s shares, worth €1.11M. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 2.1 years and 5.6 years respectively.

Key information

Slawomir Krupa

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentage28.8%
CEO tenure1.6yrs
CEO ownership0.006%
Management average tenure2.1yrs
Board average tenure5.6yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Slawomir Krupa's remuneration changed compared to Société Générale Société anonyme's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Sep 30 2024n/an/a


Jun 30 2024n/an/a


Mar 31 2024n/an/a


Dec 31 2023€3m€995k


Compensation vs Market: Slawomir's total compensation ($USD3.63M) is about average for companies of similar size in the German market ($USD4.83M).

Compensation vs Earnings: Insufficient data to compare Slawomir's compensation with company performance.


Slawomir Krupa (50 yo)





Mr. Slawomir Krupa served as Deputy General Manager, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions activities for Société Générale Société anonyme since January 2021 until May 23, 2023 and serves as it...

Leadership Team

Slawomir Krupa
CEO & Director1.6yrs€3.45m0.0056%
€ 1.1m
Pierre Palmieri
Deputy Chief executive Officer12.9yrs€1.79m0.010%
€ 2.0m
Claire Dumas
Group CFO & Head of Finance Department3yrsno datano data
Laura Mather
Group Chief Operating Officer1.6yrsno datano data
Alain Voiment
Chief Technology Officer2.1yrsno datano data
Bruno Delas
Group Chief Information Officer1.3yrsno datano data
Vincent Robillard
Head of Financial Communication & Investor Relations4.1yrsno datano data
Dominique Bourrinet
Group General Counsel10.9yrsno datano data
Gregoire Simon-Barboux
Group Chief Compliance Officer3.9yrsno datano data
Laetitia Maurel
Group Head of Communication1.6yrsno datano data
Olivier Paccalin
Head of Sales & Solutions and Deputy Head of Private Banking Armno datano datano data
Anne Sophie Galas
Group Chief Human Resources Officer1.6yrsno datano data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: SGE1's management team is considered experienced (2.1 years average tenure).

Board Members

Slawomir Krupa
CEO & Director1.6yrs€3.45m0.0056%
€ 1.1m
Jerome Contamine
Independent Director6.6yrs€93.97k0.00013%
€ 25.6k
Jean-Bernard Levy
Non-Voting Director & Censor3.9yrsno data0.00098%
€ 192.8k
Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
Independent Chairman of the Board10.6yrs€973.85k0.00027%
€ 53.1k
Diane Fabienne Cote
Independent Director6.6yrs€86.32k0.00012%
€ 23.6k
Henri Poupart-Lafarge
Independent Director3.6yrs€52.31k0.00012%
€ 23.6k
William L. Connelly
Independent Director7.6yrs€155.61k0.00027%
€ 53.1k
France Houssaye
Employee Representative Director15.8yrs€54.15kno data
Alexandra Elisabeth Johanna Schaapveld
Independent Director11.6yrs€139.71k0.00038%
€ 74.8k
Annette Messemer
Independent Director4.6yrs€86.32k0.00025%
€ 49.2k
Sebastien Wetter
Employee Representative Director3.6yrs€43.26k0.00042%
€ 82.6k
Johan Praud
Employee Representative Director3.9yrs€43.26kno data


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: SGE1's board of directors are considered experienced (5.6 years average tenure).