Quimbaya Gold Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

CNSX:QIM Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
06 Sep 24SellCA$27,500Pietro SolariIndividual55,000CA$0.50
26 Jul 24SellCA$31,020Alexandre BoivinIndividual70,500CA$0.44
27 Jun 24SellCA$4,657Pietro SolariIndividual9,314CA$0.50
26 Jun 24SellCA$42,500Pietro SolariIndividual85,000CA$0.50
10 Jun 24BuyCA$30,000Alexandre De BeaulieuIndividual60,000CA$0.50
10 Jun 24BuyCA$142,083Jean-Luc PeyrotIndividual284,166CA$0.50
10 Jun 24BuyCA$20,000Olivier BerthiaumeIndividual40,000CA$0.50
10 Jun 24BuyCA$20,000Pietro SolariIndividual40,000CA$0.50
10 Jun 24BuyCA$316,487Alexandre BoivinIndividual632,974CA$0.50
04 Mar 24BuyCA$7,163Olivier BerthiaumeIndividual12,500CA$0.57
01 Mar 24BuyCA$15,817Jean-Luc PeyrotIndividual27,000CA$0.64
01 Mar 24BuyCA$1,229Olivier BerthiaumeIndividual2,500CA$0.49
22 Feb 24BuyCA$5,950Jean-Luc PeyrotIndividual15,000CA$0.40
14 Feb 24SellCA$99,534Alexandre BoivinIndividual315,000CA$0.32
03 Jan 24BuyCA$960Jean-Luc PeyrotIndividual3,000CA$0.32
27 Dec 23BuyCA$875Jean-Luc PeyrotIndividual2,500CA$0.35
10 Oct 23BuyCA$175Jean-Luc PeyrotIndividual500CA$0.35

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: QIM insiders have only sold shares in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of QIM?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
General Public12,043,35643.4%
Individual Insiders15,714,63756.6%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been substantially diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 58.6%.

Top Shareholders

Top 5 shareholders own 56.61% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Alexandre Boivin
9,530,791CA$4.5m-0.73%no data
Jean-Luc Peyrot
3,650,779CA$1.7m0%no data
Alexandre De Beaulieu
1,787,926CA$840.3k0%no data
Olivier Berthiaume
593,958CA$279.2k7.22%no data
Pietro Solari
151,183CA$71.1k-26.7%no data