GreenBank Capital Management

Management criteria checks 0/4

GreenBank Capital's CEO is Villi Vilhjalmsson, appointed in Aug 2023, has a tenure of 1.33 years. directly owns 0.025% of the company’s shares, worth CA$371.44. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 1.3 years and 2.6 years respectively.

Key information

Villi Vilhjalmsson

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentagen/a
CEO tenure1.3yrs
CEO ownership0.02%
Management average tenure1.3yrs
Board average tenure2.6yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates


Villi Vilhjalmsson (49 yo)



Mr. Vilhjalmur Thor Vilhjalmsson, also known as Villi, serves as Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of GreenBank Capital Inc. since August 21, 2023. He serves as Director since June 2021 and Chief Executiv...

Leadership Team

Stephen O'Carroll
COO & Director2.4yrsCA$140.70k1.05%
CA$ 15.9k
Vilhjalmur Vilhjalmsson
CEO & Chairman1.3yrsno data0.025%
CA$ 371.4
Samuel Legg
Chief Financial Officerless than a yearno datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Management: GBC's management team is not considered experienced ( 1.3 years average tenure), which suggests a new team.

Board Members

Stephen O'Carroll
COO & Director2.6yrsCA$140.70k1.05%
CA$ 15.9k
Vilhjalmur Vilhjalmsson
CEO & Chairman1.3yrsno data0.025%
CA$ 371.4
Peter Wanner
Independent Director11.3yrsCA$40.20k0.63%
CA$ 9.5k
Richard Anthony Beresford
Independent Director4.7yrsCA$40.20k2.68%
CA$ 40.6k
Robert James Neill
Independent Director1.9yrsCA$35.25k0.050%
CA$ 758.5


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: GBC's board of directors are not considered experienced ( 2.6 years average tenure), which suggests a new board.