Cleo Diagnostics Management

Management criteria checks 3/4

Cleo Diagnostics' CEO is Richard Allman, appointed in Oct 2022, has a tenure of 2.42 years. total yearly compensation is A$212.31K, comprised of 90.7% salary and 9.3% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 1.17% of the company’s shares, worth A$675.00K. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 2.4 years and 2.4 years respectively.

Key information

Richard Allman

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentage90.7%
CEO tenure2.4yrs
CEO ownership1.2%
Management average tenure2.4yrs
Board average tenure2.4yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Richard Allman's remuneration changed compared to Cleo Diagnostics's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Dec 31 2024n/an/a


Sep 30 2024n/an/a


Jun 30 2024AU$212kAU$193k


Mar 31 2024n/an/a


Dec 31 2023n/an/a


Sep 30 2023n/an/a


Jun 30 2023AU$414kAU$132k


Compensation vs Market: Richard's total compensation ($USD133.48K) is below average for companies of similar size in the Australian market ($USD286.86K).

Compensation vs Earnings: Richard's compensation has been consistent with company performance over the past year.


Richard Allman (64 yo)





Dr. Richard Allman, Ph D., serves as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director at Cleo Diagnostics Ltd. since October 10, 2022.He served as Chief Scientific Officer at Genetic Technologies Limited si...

Leadership Team

Richard Allman
CEO & Executive Director2.4yrsAU$212.31k1.17%
A$ 675.0k
Andrew Stephens
Chief Scientific Officer & Executive Director2.5yrsAU$191.07k0.39%
A$ 225.0k
Thomas Jobling
Lead Medical Advisor & Independent Non-Executive Directorno dataAU$41.74k0.97%
A$ 562.5k
Nathan Hodgson
Head of Operationsless than a yearno datano data
Dayna Louca
Head of Corporate Developmentless than a yearno datano data
Pauline Moffatt
Company Secretary2.5yrsno datano data


Average Tenure

Experienced Management: COV's management team is considered experienced (2.4 years average tenure).

Board Members

Richard Allman
CEO & Executive Director2.4yrsAU$212.31k1.17%
A$ 675.0k
Andrew Stephens
Chief Scientific Officer & Executive Director2.5yrsAU$191.07k0.39%
A$ 225.0k
Thomas Jobling
Lead Medical Advisor & Independent Non-Executive Director2.3yrsAU$41.74k0.97%
A$ 562.5k
Adrien Wing
Non-Executive Chair2.6yrsAU$90.00k11.09%
A$ 6.4m
Lucinda Nolan
Independent Non-Executive Director2yrsAU$46.33kno data


Average Tenure

Experienced Board: COV's board of directors are not considered experienced ( 2.4 years average tenure), which suggests a new board.

Company Analysis and Financial Data Status

DataLast Updated (UTC time)
Company Analysis2025/03/13 01:35
End of Day Share Price 2025/03/13 00:00
Annual Earnings2024/06/30

Data Sources

The data used in our company analysis is from S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC. The following data is used in our analysis model to generate this report. Data is normalised which can introduce a delay from the source being available.

PackageDataTimeframeExample US Source *
Company Financials10 years
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Balance sheet
Analyst Consensus Estimates+3 years
  • Forecast financials
  • Analyst price targets
Market Prices30 years
  • Stock prices
  • Dividends, Splits and Actions
Ownership10 years
  • Top shareholders
  • Insider trading
Management10 years
  • Leadership team
  • Board of directors
Key Developments10 years
  • Company announcements

* Example for US securities, for non-US equivalent regulatory forms and sources are used.

Unless specified all financial data is based on a yearly period but updated quarterly. This is known as Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) or Last Twelve Month (LTM) Data. Learn more.

Analysis Model and Snowflake

Details of the analysis model used to generate this report is available on our Github page, we also have guides on how to use our reports and tutorials on Youtube.

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Industry and Sector Metrics

Our industry and section metrics are calculated every 6 hours by Simply Wall St, details of our process are available on Github.

Analyst Sources

Cleo Diagnostics Ltd is covered by 0 analysts. 0 of those analysts submitted the estimates of revenue or earnings used as inputs to our report. Analysts submissions are updated throughout the day.