DuPont de Nemours Management

Management criteria checks 4/4

DuPont de Nemours' CEO is Lori Koch, appointed in Jun 2024, has a tenure of less than a year. total yearly compensation is $4.30M, comprised of 17.4% salary and 82.6% bonuses, including company stock and options. directly owns 0.03% of the company’s shares, worth ARS10.35B. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 3.4 years and 5.4 years respectively.

Key information

Lori Koch

Chief executive officer


Total compensation

CEO salary percentage17.4%
CEO tenureless than a year
CEO ownership0.03%
Management average tenure3.4yrs
Board average tenure5.4yrs

Recent management updates

Recent updates

CEO Compensation Analysis

How has Lori Koch's remuneration changed compared to DuPont de Nemours's earnings?
DateTotal CompensationSalaryCompany Earnings
Jun 30 2024n/an/a


Mar 31 2024n/an/a


Dec 31 2023US$4mUS$750k


Sep 30 2023n/an/a


Jun 30 2023n/an/a


Mar 31 2023n/an/a


Dec 31 2022US$5mUS$742k


Sep 30 2022n/an/a


Jun 30 2022n/an/a


Mar 31 2022n/an/a


Dec 31 2021US$5mUS$700k


Sep 30 2021n/an/a


Jun 30 2021n/an/a


Mar 31 2021n/an/a


Dec 31 2020US$4mUS$647k


Compensation vs Market: Lori's total compensation ($USD4.30M) is about average for companies of similar size in the AR market ($USD5.82M).

Compensation vs Earnings: Lori's compensation has been consistent with company performance over the past year.


Lori Koch (49 yo)

less than a year




Ms. Lori D. Koch served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. since February 17, 2020 until June 1, 2024 and serves as its Chief Executive Officer since June 1,...

Leadership Team

Edward Breen
Executive Chairman7.3yrsUS$19.85m0.070%
ARS 23.9b
Lori Koch
CEO & Directorless than a yearUS$4.30m0.030%
ARS 10.4b
Erik Hoover
Senior VP & General Counselno dataUS$2.54m0.014%
ARS 4.9b
Jon Kemp
President of Electronics & Industrial and Chair of the Board of Industry Leaders of SEMI9.8yrsUS$2.81m0.021%
ARS 7.3b
Leland Weaver
President of DuPont Water & Protection3.2yrsUS$2.48m0.0060%
ARS 2.0b
Antonella Franzen
Senior VP & CFOless than a yearno data0.0027%
ARS 938.4m
Daryl Roberts
Senior VP and Chief Operations & Engineering Officerno datano datano data
Michael Goss
VP, Controller & Principal Accounting Officer5.6yrsno data0.0034%
ARS 1.1b
Alexa Dembek
Senior VP and Chief Technology & Sustainability Officerno datano datano data
Steven Larrabee
Senior VP & Chief Information Officer5.4yrsno data0.0085%
ARS 2.9b
Christopher Mecray
Vice President of Investor Relationsno datano datano data
Christopher Raia
Senior VP & Chief Human Resources Officer3.7yrsno data0.0091%
ARS 3.1b


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Management: DD's management team is considered experienced (3.4 years average tenure).

Board Members

Edward Breen
Executive Chairman7.3yrsUS$19.85m0.070%
ARS 23.9b
Lori Koch
CEO & Directorless than a yearUS$4.30m0.030%
ARS 10.4b
Alexander Cutler
Lead Independent Director7.3yrsUS$390.77k0.00075%
ARS 255.9m
Kristina Johnson
Independent Director2.5yrsUS$300.35k0.00013%
ARS 44.4m
Luther Kissam
Independent Director5.4yrsUS$300.35k0.0014%
ARS 491.4m
Steven Sterin
Independent Director5.4yrsUS$335.35k0.00024%
ARS 81.9m
Eleuthere du Pont
Independent Director5.4yrsUS$314.93k0.00046%
ARS 157.0m
Ruby Chandy
Independent Director5.4yrsUS$320.35k0.00024%
ARS 81.9m
Deanna Mulligan
Independent Director3.6yrsUS$300.35k0.00024%
ARS 81.9m
Terrence Curtin
Independent Director5.4yrsUS$300.35k0.0020%
ARS 696.1m
Amy Brady
Independent Director5.1yrsUS$300.35k0.00016%
ARS 54.6m
Frederick Lowery
Independent Director5.4yrsUS$325.35k0.00024%
ARS 81.9m


Average Tenure


Average Age

Experienced Board: DD's board of directors are considered experienced (5.4 years average tenure).