WALR.F 주식 개요 메가와트 리튬 및 배터리 금속 Corp. 자세한 내용
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메모 추가MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. 경쟁사 가격 내역 및 성능
다음에 대한 주가 최고가, 최저가 및 변동 요약 MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals 과거 주가 현재 주가 CA$0.013 52주 최고치 CA$0.15 52주 최저치 CA$0.006 베타 1.42 1개월 변경 38.89% 3개월 변경 사항 27.55% 1년 변경 사항 -75.96% 3년 변화 -99.21% 5년 변화 n/a IPO 이후 변화 -99.27%
최근 뉴스 및 업데이트
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Provides Work Program Plans for Benedict Mountains Uranium Property in Labrador’S Central Mineral Belt May 30
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) completed the acquisition of Labrador Mineral Resources Inc. May 09
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp., Annual General Meeting, Dec 21, 2023 Nov 04
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) completed the acquisition of the remaining 20% interest in 1256714 B.C. Ltd. Jul 14
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire remaining 20% interest in 1256714 B.C. Ltd. for CAD 0.1 million. Jul 07
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Reports Encouraging Assay Results from Its Recently Completed Rock Chip Sampling Program At the Artic Fox Project in Central Northern Territory, Australia Feb 08 더 많은 업데이트 보기
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Provides Work Program Plans for Benedict Mountains Uranium Property in Labrador’S Central Mineral Belt May 30
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) completed the acquisition of Labrador Mineral Resources Inc. May 09
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp., Annual General Meeting, Dec 21, 2023 Nov 04
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) completed the acquisition of the remaining 20% interest in 1256714 B.C. Ltd. Jul 14
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire remaining 20% interest in 1256714 B.C. Ltd. for CAD 0.1 million. Jul 07
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Reports Encouraging Assay Results from Its Recently Completed Rock Chip Sampling Program At the Artic Fox Project in Central Northern Territory, Australia Feb 08
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Completes Airborne Geophysical Survey at Mistumis and Route 381 Properties, James Bay Region, Quebec Nov 23
Megawatt Collects 1,918 Soil Samples at Mistumis Lithium Property, James Bay, Quebec. Assays Pending Nov 12
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp., Annual General Meeting, Dec 15, 2022 Oct 14
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Announces Encouraging Magnetic Survey Results At Tyr Property in Australia Aug 31 MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. announced that it expects to receive CAD 1 million in funding Aug 23
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Kicks Off Lithium Exploration Field Program At Route 381 and Mistumis in James Bay Area, Quebec Aug 12
The Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Completes Field Visit to the Artic Fox & Isbjorn Projects in Central Northern Territory, Australia Jun 09
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp Completes Comprehensive Desktop Review of Available Data at Its Two Properties May 26
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp Completes Comprehensive Desktop Review of Available Data at Its Two Properties May 25
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Appoints Anthony Zelen as Director Apr 20
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire additional 20% stake in 1256714 B.C. Ltd. from certain shareholders for $0.98 million. Apr 01
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Focusing on Developing Prospective Lithium Properties in James Bay Region, Quebec Feb 25
MegaWatt Exploration for REEs & Uranium within Central NorthernTerritory Properties Set to Commence Feb 02 MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) acquired 229 Additional Mineral Exploration Claims in the James Bay Area of Quebec.
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Receives Initial Results for Lithium Potential At Its Tyr Project in New South Wales, Australia Jan 13
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. announced that it has received CAD 1.310595 million in funding Nov 24
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Completes Fieldwork at Arctic Fox and Isbjorn Rare Earth Element Properties, Australia - Assays Pending Sep 10
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp Plans Field Program at Route 381 Lithium Project, Quebec Jun 18
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp Mobilizes for IP Survey At Cobalt Hill Jun 08
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Continuing Data Review of Two its Australian Properties, Artic Fox and Isbjorn Jun 02
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Files NI 43 101 Technical Report for the Tyr Project, NSW and Century South Project, Queensland, Australia May 08
Megawatt Plans Seasonal Field Work at Tyr Including Phase 1 Drilling Apr 30
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. (CNSX:MEGA) entered into a letter of intent to acquire Nickel-Cobalt-Scandium-Rare Earth Projects in Northern Territory and New South Wales for CAD 5 million. Mar 05
Megawatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Announces Marketing Agreement with MMG Market Medium Gmbh & Co. Kg Mar 04
MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Provides Project Portfolio Review and Exploration Summary Feb 05 Walcott Resources Ltd. Announces That Surface Sampling Field Work and Evaluation Has Been Finalized At Its 60% Owned Tyr Silver Zinc Project in New South Wales, Australia
Walcott Resources Ltd. (CNSX:WAL) entered into a property purchase agreement to acquire Route 381 Lithium Property for CAD 1.3 million. Jan 29
Walcott Resources Ltd. Announces Board Changes Jan 28
Walcott Resources Ltd. Begins Field Work and Evaluation At Century South Silver Zinc Project in Northern Queensland, Australia Dec 19
Walcott Resources Announces Encouraging Gold Values Confirmed by 2020 Field Program Dec 11
Walcott Commences Field Work at the Tyr Silver Project Dec 03
Walcott Resources Ltd. announced that it has received CAD 2.86575 million in funding Sep 22 Walcott Resources Ltd. (CNSX:WAL) entered into a share exchange agreement to acquire 60% stake in 1256714 B.C. Ltd. for CAD 4.6 million. 주주 수익률 WALR.F US Metals and Mining US 마켓 7D 1.2% 3.8% 0.6% 1Y -76.0% 11.1% 22.4%
전체 주주 수익률 보기
수익률 대 산업: WALR.F 지난 1년 동안 11.1 %를 반환한 US Metals and Mining 업계보다 저조한 성과를 냈습니다.
수익률 대 시장: WALR.F 지난 1년 동안 22.4 %를 반환한 US 시장보다 저조한 성과를 냈습니다.
가격 변동성 Is WALR.F's price volatile compared to industry and market? WALR.F volatility WALR.F Average Weekly Movement 63.7% Metals and Mining Industry Average Movement 8.1% Market Average Movement 6.4% 10% most volatile stocks in US Market 18.8% 10% least volatile stocks in US Market 3.2%
안정적인 주가: WALR.F 의 주가는 지난 3개월 동안 US 시장과 비교해 변동성이 컸습니다.
시간에 따른 변동성: WALR.F 의 주간 변동성 은 지난 1년 동안 43% 에서 64% 로 증가했습니다.
회사 소개 는 캐나다와 호주에서 광물 자산을 인수, 탐사 및 개발하는 회사입니다. 이 회사는 금, 은, 아연, 리튬, 니켈, 코발트, 구리, 우라늄 및 희토류 원소 매장지를 탐사합니다. 이 회사는 이전에 Walcott Resources Ltd.로 알려졌으며 2021년 2월에 MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp.로 사명을 변경했습니다.
자세히 보기 MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. 기본 사항 요약 MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals 의 수익과 매출은 시가총액과 어떻게 비교하나요? WALR.F 기본 통계 시가총액 US$510.04k 수익(TTM ) -US$1.39m 수익(TTM ) n/a
수익 및 수익 최신 수익 보고서의 주요 수익성 통계(TTM) WALR.F 손익 계산서(TTM ) 수익 CA$0 수익 비용 CA$0 총 이익 CA$0 기타 비용 CA$1.98m 수익 -CA$1.98m
주당 순이익(EPS) -0.054 총 마진 0.00% 순이익 마진 0.00% 부채/자본 비율 2.7%
WALR.F 의 장기적인 성과는 어땠나요?
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애널리스트 출처 MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. 0 애널리스트 중 0 애널리스트가 보고서의 입력 자료로 사용된 매출 또는 수익 추정치를 제출했습니다. 애널리스트의 제출 자료는 하루 종일 업데이트됩니다.