Baxter International Inc.

NYSE:BAX 주식 보고서

시가총액: US$17.7b

Baxter International 관리

관리 기준 확인 2/4

Baxter International CEO는 David Shafer, Feb2025 에 임명되었습니다 의 임기는 1년 미만입니다. 는 $ 468.97K 가치에 해당하는 회사 주식의 0.003% 직접 소유합니다. 468.97K. 경영진과 이사회의 평균 재임 기간은 각각 1.1 년과 3.7 년입니다.

주요 정보

David Shafer

최고 경영자


총 보상

CEO 급여 비율n/a
CEO 임기less than a year
CEO 소유권0.003%
경영진 평균 재임 기간1.1yrs
이사회 평균 재임 기간3.7yrs

최근 관리 업데이트

Recent updates

Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Will Pay A Dividend Of $0.17

Feb 21
Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Will Pay A Dividend Of $0.17

Baxter International: An Uncompelling Investment With High Debt

Jan 31

Does Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Jan 27
Does Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Is Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX) Trading At A 49% Discount?

Sep 05
Is Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX) Trading At A 49% Discount?

Baxter- Reiterating Our Buy Rating After A Promising Q2

Aug 07

Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Will Pay A Dividend Of $0.29

Aug 07
Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Will Pay A Dividend Of $0.29

Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of $0.29

Jul 23
Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of $0.29

Baxter: Why Investors Should Take Advantage Of The Low Valuation

Jul 16

Little Excitement Around Baxter International Inc.'s (NYSE:BAX) Revenues

Jul 12
Little Excitement Around Baxter International Inc.'s (NYSE:BAX) Revenues

Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of $0.29

May 30
Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Has Affirmed Its Dividend Of $0.29

Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Is Due To Pay A Dividend Of $0.29

May 14
Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Is Due To Pay A Dividend Of $0.29

Baxter International: Shares Too Cheap, EPS Growth Ahead With A Possible Spinoff

May 08

Capital Allocation Trends At Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Aren't Ideal

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Capital Allocation Trends At Baxter International (NYSE:BAX) Aren't Ideal

Broyhill - Baxter International: Renal Care Spin-Off And Recent Revamp Should Provide Catalysts

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Baxter International: A Cheap Big Pharma Stock With Improving Earnings And +3% Dividend Yield

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Dividend Challengers Review: Baxter International

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Baxter International: Hillrom Acquisition Could Be A Tailwind For FCF

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David Shafer (67 yo)

less than a year




Mr. David Brent Shafer serves as Director of Veracyte, Inc. since September 2024. He is Director of Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. from January 05, 2022. He had been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer...

리더십 팀

David Shafer
Chair & Interim CEOless than a yearUS$382.31k0.0027%
$ 469.0k
Joel Grade
Executive VP & CFO1.4yrsUS$5.37m0.0049%
$ 860.1k
Heather Knight
Executive Vice President & COOless than a yearUS$4.86m0.035%
$ 6.1m
Jose Almeida
Advisorless than a yearUS$13.79m0.11%
$ 19.7m
Alok Sonig
Executive VP & Group President of Pharmaceuticals2.7yrsUS$3.87m0.0066%
$ 1.2m
Anita Zielinski
Senior VPless than a year데이터 없음데이터 없음
Tobi Karchmer
Senior VP and Chief Medical & Scientific Officer2.2yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Charles Patel
Senior VP & Chief Information Officerless than a year데이터 없음데이터 없음
Clare Trachtman
Vice President of Investor Relationsno data데이터 없음데이터 없음
David Rosenbloom
Executive VP & General Counsel2.9yrsUS$5.66m0.0055%
$ 966.3k
Stacey Eisen
Senior Vice Presidentno data데이터 없음데이터 없음
Jeanne Mason
Executive VP & Chief Human Resources Officer7.8yrsUS$4.14m0.039%
$ 6.9m


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 관리: BAX 의 관리팀은 경험 (평균 재직 기간 1.1 년)으로 간주되지 않으므로 새로운 팀을 추천합니다.

이사회 구성원

David Shafer
Chair & Interim CEO2.8yrsUS$382.31k0.0027%
$ 469.0k
Stephen Rusckowski
Independent Director1.6yrsUS$197.82k0.0018%
$ 313.2k
Stephen Newman Oesterle
Independent Director8.1yrsUS$373.98k0.0054%
$ 964.5k
Patricia Morrison
Independent Director6.1yrsUS$364.98k0.0042%
$ 739.7k
Nancy Schlichting
Lead Independent Director3.3yrsUS$363.00k0.0028%
$ 493.7k
Catherine Smith
Independent Director8.2yrsUS$367.31k0.0044%
$ 780.4k
Jeffrey Craig
Directorless than a year데이터 없음0.00068%
$ 120.3k
David Wilkes
Independent Director4.1yrsUS$357.00k0.0032%
$ 562.8k
William Ampofo
Independent Director1.8yrsUS$226.35k0.0019%
$ 339.8k
Amy Wendell
Independent Director6.1yrsUS$352.98k데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 이사회: BAX 의 이사회경험(평균 재직 기간 3.7 년)으로 간주됩니다.

기업 분석 및 재무 데이터 현황

데이터마지막 업데이트(UTC 시간)
기업 분석2025/03/17 21:12
장 마감 주가2025/03/14 00:00
연간 수익2024/12/31

데이터 소스

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애널리스트 출처

Baxter International Inc. 46 애널리스트 중 15 애널리스트가 보고서의 입력 자료로 사용된 매출 또는 수익 추정치를 제출했습니다. 애널리스트의 제출 자료는 하루 종일 업데이트됩니다.

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