Metro Brands Limited


시가총액: ₹350.2b

Metro Brands 관리

관리 기준 확인 4/4

현재 CEO에 대한 정보가 충분하지 않습니다.

주요 정보

Nissan Joseph

최고 경영자


총 보상

CEO 급여 비율n/a
CEO 임기3.4yrs
CEO 소유권n/a
경영진 평균 재임 기간3.8yrs
이사회 평균 재임 기간5.8yrs

최근 관리 업데이트

Recent updates

Capital Allocation Trends At Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Aren't Ideal

Dec 05
Capital Allocation Trends At Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Aren't Ideal

Metro Brands' (NSE:METROBRAND) Solid Earnings Are Supported By Other Strong Factors

Oct 31
Metro Brands' (NSE:METROBRAND) Solid Earnings Are Supported By Other Strong Factors

Metro Brands Limited Just Missed Earnings - But Analysts Have Updated Their Models

Oct 26
Metro Brands Limited Just Missed Earnings - But Analysts Have Updated Their Models

Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Is Due To Pay A Dividend Of ₹2.25

Aug 27
Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Is Due To Pay A Dividend Of ₹2.25

Metro Brands Limited (NSE:METROBRAND) Just Missed Earnings: Here's What Analysts Think Will Happen Next

Aug 14
Metro Brands Limited (NSE:METROBRAND) Just Missed Earnings: Here's What Analysts Think Will Happen Next

Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Has Announced A Dividend Of ₹2.25

Aug 12
Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Has Announced A Dividend Of ₹2.25

Investors Could Be Concerned With Metro Brands' (NSE:METROBRAND) Returns On Capital

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Investors Could Be Concerned With Metro Brands' (NSE:METROBRAND) Returns On Capital

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Does Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

Results: Metro Brands Limited Beat Earnings Expectations And Analysts Now Have New Forecasts

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Results: Metro Brands Limited Beat Earnings Expectations And Analysts Now Have New Forecasts

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Here's Why Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Can Manage Its Debt Responsibly

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Unpleasant Surprises Could Be In Store For Metro Brands Limited's (NSE:METROBRAND) Shares

Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Is Paying Out A Larger Dividend Than Last Year

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Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Is Paying Out A Larger Dividend Than Last Year

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Some Investors May Be Worried About Metro Brands' (NSE:METROBRAND) Returns On Capital

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Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Will Pay A Larger Dividend Than Last Year At ₹1.50

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Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Has Announced That It Will Be Increasing Its Dividend To ₹1.50

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Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Is Paying Out A Larger Dividend Than Last Year

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The Returns On Capital At Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Don't Inspire Confidence

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Investors Could Be Concerned With Metro Brands' (NSE:METROBRAND) Returns On Capital

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Here's Why We Think Metro Brands (NSE:METROBRAND) Is Well Worth Watching

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Metro Brands' (NSE:METROBRAND) Solid Profits Have Weak Fundamentals

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Metro Brands' (NSE:METROBRAND) Solid Profits Have Weak Fundamentals

Earnings Beat: Metro Brands Limited Just Beat Analyst Forecasts, And Analysts Have Been Updating Their Models

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Earnings Beat: Metro Brands Limited Just Beat Analyst Forecasts, And Analysts Have Been Updating Their Models

The Price Is Right For Metro Brands Limited (NSE:METROBRAND)

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The Price Is Right For Metro Brands Limited (NSE:METROBRAND)


Nissan Joseph (59 yo)





Mr. Nissan Joseph is Director of Metro Athleisure Limited from January 1, 2023. Mr. Joseph has been Chief Executive Officer at Metro Brands Limited since July 1, 2021. He has in the past worked with Payles...

리더십 팀

Nissan Joseph
Chief Executive Officer3.4yrs₹38.29m데이터 없음
Aziza Malik
Presidentno data₹23.90m0.50%
₹ 1.7b
Kaushal Parekh
Chief Financial Officer4.1yrs₹17.07m데이터 없음
Rajgopal Nayak
Chief Technology Officer4.6yrs₹37.30m데이터 없음
Farah Bhanji
MD & Executive Directorno data₹34.40m5.9%
₹ 20.7b
Mohammed Iqbal Dossani
Whole-time Director4.1yrs₹6.30m0.0022%
₹ 7.7m
Alisha Malik
Whole-Time Director and President of Sports Divisionno data₹13.25m2.9%
₹ 10.2b
Maulik Desai
Senior VP & Head Strategic Businesses & Brandsno data₹18.40m데이터 없음
Aashish Mashruwala
Vice Presidentno data₹50.50m데이터 없음
Sohel Kamdar
Chief Operating Officerno data데이터 없음데이터 없음
Arun Pillay
Assistant Vice President of BD Projects & Administration2.3yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Deepa Sood
Senior VP of Legal2.8yrs₹6.81m데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 관리: METROBRAND 의 관리팀은 경험 ( 3.8 년 평균 재직 기간)으로 간주됩니다.

이사회 구성원

Farah Bhanji
MD & Executive Director24yrs₹34.40m5.9%
₹ 20.7b
Mohammed Iqbal Dossani
Whole-time Director4.1yrs₹6.30m0.0022%
₹ 7.7m
Alisha Malik
Whole-Time Director and President of Sports Divisionless than a year₹13.25m2.9%
₹ 10.2b
Aruna Advani
Non-Executive Independent Directorno data₹8.70m데이터 없음
Utpal Sheth
Non-Executive Non-Independent Nominee Director17.8yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Srikanth Velamakanni
Non-Executive Independent Director3.8yrs₹7.10m데이터 없음
Vikas Khemani
Non-Executive Independent Director5.8yrs₹7.30m데이터 없음
Rafique Malik
Non-Executive Chairman47.9yrs₹81.80m6.83%
₹ 23.9b
Mithun Sacheti
Non-Executive Independent Director1.2yrs데이터 없음데이터 없음
Arvind Singhal
Non-Executive Independent Directorno data₹7.30m데이터 없음
Manoj Kumar Maheshwari
Non-Executive Independent Director15.4yrs₹9.00m데이터 없음


평균 재임 기간


평균 연령

경험이 풍부한 이사회: METROBRAND 의 이사회경험(평균 재직 기간 5.8 년)으로 간주됩니다.

기업 분석 및 재무 데이터 현황

데이터마지막 업데이트(UTC 시간)
기업 분석2024/12/21 04:14
장 마감 주가2024/12/20 00:00
연간 수익2024/03/31

데이터 소스

기업 분석에 사용된 데이터는 S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC의 데이터입니다. 이 보고서를 생성하기 위해 분석 모델에 사용된 데이터는 다음과 같습니다. 데이터는 정규화되어 있으므로 소스가 제공되기까지 지연이 발생할 수 있습니다.

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업계 및 섹션 지표는 Simply Wall St에서 6시간마다 계산되며, 자세한 내용은 확인할 수 있습니다.

애널리스트 출처

Metro Brands Limited 36 애널리스트 중 20 애널리스트가 보고서의 입력 자료로 사용된 매출 또는 수익 추정치를 제출했습니다. 애널리스트의 제출 자료는 하루 종일 업데이트됩니다.

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