Integrated Wellness Acquisition Corp

NYSE:WEL Rapporto sulle azioni

Cap. di mercato: US$84.6m

Integrated Wellness Acquisition Gestione

Gestione criteri di controllo 0/4

We currently do not have sufficient information about the CEO.

Informazioni chiave

Suren Ajjarapu

Amministratore delegato


Compenso totale

Percentuale dello stipendio del CEOn/a
Mandato del CEOless than a year
Proprietà del CEO0.2%
Durata media del managementNessun dato
Durata media del Consiglio di amministrazioneless than a year

Aggiornamenti recenti sulla gestione

Recent updates


Suren Ajjarapu (53 yo)

less than a year


Mr. Surendra K. Ajjarapu, also known as Suren, serves as Chief Executive Officer & Director of Integrated Wellness Acquisition Corp since February 12, 2024. He is Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Off...

Membri del Consiglio di amministrazione

Surendra Ajjarapu
CEO & Directorless than a yearNessun dato0.18%
$ 148.2k
Matthew Malriat
CFO & Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
Michael Peterson
Independent Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
Donald Fell
Independent Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
John Chen
Independent Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
Yueh Seto
Independent Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
Binson Lau
Chairmanless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media


Età media

Consiglio di amministrazione esperto: WEL's board of directors are not considered experienced ( 0.8 years average tenure), which suggests a new board.