Capital World Limited

Catalist:1D5 Rapporto sulle azioni

Cap. di mercato: S$32.2m

Capital World Gestione

Gestione criteri di controllo 1/4

Capital World's CEO is Khee Leng Hoo, appointed in Jan 2023, has a tenure of 1.83 years. directly owns 0.31% of the company’s shares, worth SGD100.00K. The average tenure of the management team and the board of directors is 1.8 years and 5.2 years respectively.

Informazioni chiave

Khee Leng Hoo

Amministratore delegato


Compenso totale

Percentuale dello stipendio del CEOn/a
Mandato del CEO1.8yrs
Proprietà del CEO0.3%
Durata media del management1.8yrs
Durata media del Consiglio di amministrazione5.2yrs

Aggiornamenti recenti sulla gestione

Recent updates


Khee Leng Hoo



Mr. Khee Leng Hoo serves as Chief Executive Officer of Capital World Limited since January 03, 2023. He is Executive Director of Capital World Limited from April 14, 2022. His working experience includes:...

Gruppo dirigente

Khee Leng Hoo
CEO & Executive Director1.8yrsNessun dato0.31%
SGD 100.0k
Lim Kenneth
Financial Controller1.4yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Chien Fu Siow
Executive Directorno dataNessun dato0.32%
SGD 101.5k
Pih Peng Lee
Company Secretary3.8yrsNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media

Gestione esperta: 1D5's management team is not considered experienced ( 1.8 years average tenure), which suggests a new team.

Membri del Consiglio di amministrazione

Khee Leng Hoo
CEO & Executive Director2.6yrsNessun dato0.31%
SGD 100.0k
Chien Fu Siow
Executive Director7.5yrsNessun dato0.32%
SGD 101.5k
Chai Chong Low
Non-Executive Independent Chairman5.2yrsNessun dato0.23%
SGD 74.2k
Ler Choo Tan
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director5.4yrsNessun dato0.16%
SGD 50.8k
Boon Keong Yeo
Non-Executive Independent Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media

Consiglio di amministrazione esperto: 1D5's board of directors are considered experienced (5.2 years average tenure).