Weiqiao Textile Company Limited

DB:WEZ Rapporto sulle azioni

Cap. di mercato: €491.4m

La traduzione di questa pagina è sperimentale e in fase di sviluppo. Siamo lieti di ricevere vostro !

Weiqiao Textile Proprietà

Chi sono i principali azionisti e gli insider hanno acquistato o venduto?

Recenti transazioni insider

DB:WEZ Recenti transazioni di insider da parte di aziende o persone fisiche
DataValoreNomeEntitàRuoloAzioniPrezzo massimo
06 Mar 24Sell€24,680JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany60,667€0.41
01 Mar 24Buy€365,992JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany896,570€0.41
29 Feb 24Buy€408,866Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany1,000,000€0.41
28 Feb 24Sell€1,040,413JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany2,556,427€0.41
21 Feb 24Buy€81,589Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany200,000€0.41
09 Feb 24Buy€203,978Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany500,000€0.41
05 Feb 24Buy€122,649Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany300,000€0.41
02 Feb 24Buy€15,242JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany37,500€0.41
02 Feb 24Sell€1,666,489JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany4,100,000€0.41
30 Jan 24Buy€222,665Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany550,000€0.40
30 Jan 24Buy€3,155,839JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany7,807,462€0.40
25 Jan 24Buy€648,227Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany1,603,000€0.40
24 Jan 24Buy€252,330JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany626,001€0.40
23 Jan 24Buy€773,342Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany1,905,500€0.41
18 Jan 24Sell€345,475JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany855,850€0.40
17 Jan 24Buy€320,119Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany802,000€0.40
05 Jan 24Buy€198,755JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany505,201€0.39
05 Jan 24Buy€308,243Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany783,500€0.39
27 Dec 23Buy€117,962Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany308,500€0.38
20 Dec 23Buy€168,598JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany432,012€0.39
19 Dec 23Buy€323,384Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany826,500€0.39
15 Dec 23Buy€275,556Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany700,000€0.39
15 Dec 23Buy€1,097,475JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany2,790,598€0.39
13 Dec 23Buy€4,599,752JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany11,616,586€0.40
12 Dec 23Buy€387,033Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) LimitedCompany976,000€0.40
11 Dec 23Buy€286,829JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany718,410€0.40
08 Dec 23Buy€2,755,006JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities InvestmentsCompany6,883,967€0.40

Volume di insider trading

Acquisto da parte di insider: Dati insufficienti per determinare se gli insider abbiano acquistato più azioni di quelle vendute negli ultimi 3 mesi.

Ripartizione della proprietà

Qual è l'assetto proprietario di WEZ?
Tipo di proprietarioNumero di azioniPercentuale di proprietà
Singoli insider20.820.4001,74%
Pubblico generale221.143.28618,5%
Aziende private757.869.60063,5%

Diluizione delle azioni: Gli azionisti non sono stati significativamente diluiti nell'ultimo anno.

I principali azionisti

I primi 15 azionisti possiedono 81.48% della società
ProprietàNomeAzioniValore attualeVariazione %Portafoglio %
Shandong Weiqiao Pioneering Group Co.,Ltd
757.869.600€311.8m0%Nessun dato
Prudence Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited
JPMorgan Chase & Co, Brokerage and Securities Investments
Brandes Investment Partners, LP
Hongxia Zhang
19.260.400€7.9m8,81%Nessun dato
BNY Mellon Asset Management
15.208.496€6.3m0%Nessun dato
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
12.077.249€5.0m-0,03%Nessun dato
Australian Super Pty Ltd
3.030.000€1.2m0%Nessun dato
Morgan Stanley, Investment Banking and Brokerage Investments
2.683.903€1.1m0%Nessun dato
Yanhong Zhang
1.560.000€641.8k0%Nessun dato
Tareno International Asset Managers
Acadian Asset Management LLC
558.000€229.6k-49,4%Nessun dato
American Century Investment Management Inc
444.000€182.6k145%Nessun dato
Primorski Skladi
Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.
1.504€638.80%Nessun dato