Ronglian Group Ltd.

SZSE:002642 Rapporto sulle azioni

Cap. di mercato: CN¥5.4b

Ronglian Group Gestione

Gestione criteri di controllo 2/4

Al momento non disponiamo di informazioni sufficienti sull'amministratore delegato.

Informazioni chiave

Xuguang Zhang

Amministratore delegato


Compenso totale

Percentuale dello stipendio del CEOn/a
Mandato del CEOless than a year
Proprietà del CEOn/a
Durata media del managementless than a year
Durata media del Consiglio di amministrazione3.6yrs

Aggiornamenti recenti sulla gestione

Recent updates

There's No Escaping Ronglian Group Ltd.'s (SZSE:002642) Muted Revenues Despite A 38% Share Price Rise

Oct 08
There's No Escaping Ronglian Group Ltd.'s (SZSE:002642) Muted Revenues Despite A 38% Share Price Rise

Ronglian Group Ltd.'s (SZSE:002642) Share Price Boosted 26% But Its Business Prospects Need A Lift Too

Aug 23
Ronglian Group Ltd.'s (SZSE:002642) Share Price Boosted 26% But Its Business Prospects Need A Lift Too

Revenues Working Against Ronglian Group Ltd.'s (SZSE:002642) Share Price Following 25% Dive

Apr 22
Revenues Working Against Ronglian Group Ltd.'s (SZSE:002642) Share Price Following 25% Dive

Ronglian Group Ltd.'s (SZSE:002642) Shares Bounce 42% But Its Business Still Trails The Industry

Mar 06
Ronglian Group Ltd.'s (SZSE:002642) Shares Bounce 42% But Its Business Still Trails The Industry

Is Ronglian Group (SZSE:002642) Using Debt Sensibly?

Feb 27
Is Ronglian Group (SZSE:002642) Using Debt Sensibly?


Xuguang Zhang (50 yo)

less than a year




Mr. Xuguang Zhang is the Manager of Ronglian Group Ltd since February 05, 2024 and has been its Director since July 25, 2019. Mr. Zhang served as Deputy Manager and Chief Financial Officer of Ronglian Grou...

Gruppo dirigente

Xuguang Zhang
Manager & Directorless than a yearCN¥1.45mNessun dato
Yueming Yang
Deputy Manager3.6yrsCN¥1.32mNessun dato
Li Li
Financial Directorless than a yearCN¥709.50kNessun dato


Durata media


Età media

Gestione esperta: Il team dirigenziale di 002642 non è considerato esperto (durata media 0.8 anni), il che suggerisce un nuovo team.

Membri del Consiglio di amministrazione

Xuguang Zhang
Manager & Director5.4yrsCN¥1.45mNessun dato
Li Li
Financial Director2.3yrsCN¥709.50kNessun dato
Yong Fang
Director13.8yrsNessun dato0.18%
CN¥ 9.6m
Zheng Liu
Supervisor5.4yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Liang Zhang
Chairman of the Board3.6yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Lu Yang
Independent Director3.6yrsCN¥80.00kNessun dato
Hengjie Song
Independent Director3.6yrsCN¥80.00kNessun dato
Xiushun Sun
Non-Independent Director2.3yrsNessun datoNessun dato
Tianjing Dai
Independent Directorless than a yearNessun datoNessun dato
Haitao Guo
Chairman of Supervisory Board2.3yrsNessun datoNessun dato


Durata media


Età media

Consiglio di amministrazione esperto: I membri del consiglio di amministrazione di 002642 sono considerati esperti (durata media dell'incarico 3.6 anni).