Laboratorio Reig Jofre, S.A.

BME:RJF.D Rapport sur les actions

Capitalisation boursière : €217.9m

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Laboratorio Reig Jofre Bilan de santé

Santé financière contrôle des critères 5/6

Laboratorio Reig Jofre has a total shareholder equity of €188.5M and total debt of €47.4M, which brings its debt-to-equity ratio to 25.1%. Its total assets and total liabilities are €325.0M and €136.5M respectively. Laboratorio Reig Jofre's EBIT is €9.3M making its interest coverage ratio 14.7. It has cash and short-term investments of €6.0M.

Informations clés


Ratio d'endettement



Ratio de couverture des intérêts14.7x
Argent liquide€6.04m
Fonds propres€188.51m
Total du passif€136.46m
Total des actifs€324.98m

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Analyse de la situation financière

Passif à court terme: RJF.D's short term assets (€108.8M) exceed its short term liabilities (€74.9M).

Passif à long terme: RJF.D's short term assets (€108.8M) exceed its long term liabilities (€61.5M).

Historique et analyse du ratio d'endettement

Niveau d'endettement: RJF.D's net debt to equity ratio (21.9%) is considered satisfactory.

Réduire la dette: RJF.D's debt to equity ratio has increased from 18.5% to 25.1% over the past 5 years.

Couverture de la dette: RJF.D's debt is well covered by operating cash flow (30.6%).

Couverture des intérêts: RJF.D's interest payments on its debt are well covered by EBIT (14.7x coverage).


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