Eldorado Gold Corporation

TSX:ELD Rapport sur les actions

Capitalisation boursière : CA$5.1b

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Eldorado Gold Propriété

Qui sont les principaux actionnaires et les initiés ont-ils acheté ou vendu ?

Transactions d'initiés récentes

TSX:ELD Transactions d'initiés récentes par des entreprises ou des particuliers
DateValeurNomEntitéRôleActionsPrix maximum
12 Sep 24SellCA$78,220Ryan SwedburgIndividual3,335CA$23.45
12 Sep 24SellCA$30,303Ryan SwedburgIndividual1,292CA$23.45
09 Sep 24SellCA$27,370Nora LozanoIndividual1,269CA$21.57
29 Aug 24SellCA$16,331Lynette GouldIndividual700CA$23.33
23 Aug 24BuyCA$30,446Karen AramIndividual2,007CA$15.17
20 Aug 24SellCA$10,100Per FrankIndividual420CA$24.05
16 Aug 24SellCA$22,417Christine OhtaIndividual929CA$24.13
15 Aug 24SellCA$32,029Peter LindIndividual1,350CA$23.73
02 Aug 24SellCA$25,090Christine OhtaIndividual1,068CA$23.49
02 Aug 24SellCA$13,342Claire ChamberlainIndividual1,068CA$12.49
27 Jun 24SellCA$2,613,113Christos BalaskasIndividual122,768CA$22.35
31 May 24SellCA$333,410Paul FerneyhoughIndividual15,570CA$21.41
29 May 24SellCA$1,030,419Joseph DickIndividual47,000CA$21.92
22 May 24SellCA$16,203Lynette GouldIndividual754CA$21.49
17 May 24SellCA$326,570Mehmet YilmazIndividual16,000CA$21.12
16 May 24SellCA$4,625,452George BurnsIndividual224,610CA$20.60
03 May 24SellCA$14,315Karen AramIndividual729CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$251,734George BurnsIndividual12,820CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$39,488Frank HerbertIndividual2,011CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$56,002Simon HilleIndividual2,852CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$31,143Paul FerneyhoughIndividual1,586CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$17,555Lynette GouldIndividual894CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$30,887Graham MorrisonIndividual1,573CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$42,060Sylvain LehouxIndividual2,142CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$28,747Joseph DickIndividual1,464CA$19.64
03 May 24SellCA$23,465Jaime AwmackIndividual1,195CA$19.64
30 Apr 24SellCA$1,102,826Joseph DickIndividual55,586CA$19.84
22 Mar 24SellCA$261,978Mehmet YilmazIndividual14,400CA$18.25
21 Mar 24BuyCA$9,709Judith MoselyIndividual540CA$17.98
08 Mar 24SellCA$166,225Mehmet YilmazIndividual10,000CA$16.62
05 Mar 24SellCA$32,736Sylvain LehouxIndividual2,201CA$14.87
05 Mar 24SellCA$21,432Joseph DickIndividual1,441CA$14.87
05 Mar 24SellCA$18,963Paul FerneyhoughIndividual1,275CA$14.87
05 Mar 24SellCA$2,846,327George BurnsIndividual183,749CA$15.49
05 Mar 24SellCA$92Nicolae StancaIndividual6CA$15.49
05 Mar 24SellCA$457,243Sylvain LehouxIndividual29,518CA$15.49
05 Mar 24SellCA$579,647Simon HilleIndividual37,420CA$15.49
05 Mar 24SellCA$282,047Joseph DickIndividual18,208CA$15.49
05 Mar 24SellCA$92Christos BalaskasIndividual6CA$15.49
05 Mar 24SellCA$32,424Simon HilleIndividual2,180CA$14.87
05 Mar 24SellCA$199,807George BurnsIndividual13,434CA$14.87
05 Mar 24SellCA$24,526Graham MorrisonIndividual1,649CA$14.87
05 Mar 24SellCA$92Mehmet YilmazIndividual6CA$15.49
28 Nov 23SellCA$3,384Karen AramIndividual193CA$17.53
03 Nov 23SellCA$614,126Lisa OwerIndividual39,621CA$15.50

Volume des opérations d'initiés

Achat d'initiés: ELD insiders ont vendu plus d'actions qu'ils n'en ont acheté au cours des 3 derniers mois.

Répartition de la propriété

Quelle est la structure de l'actionnariat de ELD?
Type de propriétaireNombre d'actionsPourcentage de propriété
Initiés individuels932 9740,457 %
Fonds spéculatifs19 482 3439,55 %
Grand public45 353 42822,2 %
Institutions138 233 75967,8 %

Dilution des actions: Les actionnaires n’ont pas été significativement dilués au cours de l’année écoulée.

Principaux actionnaires

Les principaux actionnaires 25 détiennent 63.19% de l'entreprise
PropriétéNomActionsValeur actuelleVariation en %Portefeuille %
10,1 %
BlackRock, Inc.
20 691 566CA$515.6m19,5 %0,01 %
9,55 %
Helikon Investments Limited
19 482 343CA$485.5m-18,3 %8,78 %
9,15 %
Van Eck Associates Corporation
18 674 074CA$465.3m-17,1 %0,37 %
5,97 %
Donald Smith & Co., Inc.
12 181 100CA$303.5m-12,7 %5,04 %
3,73 %
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
7 610 410CA$189.6m11,7 %pas de données
2,94 %
Carrhae Capital, LLP
5 994 078CA$149.4m-1,63 %15,51 %
2,26 %
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
4 607 786CA$114.8m3,06 %0,01 %
2,09 %
Pzena Investment Management, Inc.
4 267 564CA$106.3m-4,48 %0,15 %
1,79 %
Jennison Associates LLC
3 655 807CA$91.1m41,4 %0,04 %
1,73 %
Renaissance Technologies LLC
3 534 858CA$88.1m-11 %0,1 %
1,3 %
Ninety One UK Limited
2 654 658CA$66.2m-6,01 %0,07 %
1,29 %
Hillsdale Investment Management Inc.
2 632 680CA$65.6m23,1 %2,16 %
1,11 %
Baker Steel Capital Managers LLP
2 267 800CA$56.5m0 %3,27 %
1,02 %
GAMCO Investors, Inc.
2 078 320CA$51.8m-4,16 %0,14 %
1,02 %
Invesco Ltd.
2 075 153CA$51.7m-25,5 %0,01 %
1,01 %
Konwave AG (Gold 2000)
2 059 000CA$51.3m0 %3,05 %
0,97 %
Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.
1 978 100CA$49.3m9,33 %0,13 %
0,96 %
Boston Partners Global Investors, Inc.
1 957 112CA$48.8m-4,29 %0,02 %
0,86 %
RBC Global Asset Management Inc.
1 764 434CA$44.0m20,4 %0,02 %
0,81 %
Invenomic Capital Management LP
1 644 555CA$41.0m-5,38 %3,89 %
0,8 %
BMO Asset Management Corp.
1 627 425CA$40.6m116 %0,01 %
0,7 %
Schroder Investment Management Limited
1 437 953CA$35.8m-11 %0,02 %
0,67 %
Goldman Sachs Group, Investment Banking and Securities Investments
1 374 667CA$34.3m47,9 %0,01 %
0,65 %
Morgan Stanley, Investment Banking and Brokerage Investments
1 332 011CA$33.2m62,6 %pas de données
0,65 %
CI Global Asset Management
1 318 304CA$32.9m-3,4 %0,05 %