Community & Workers of Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union Limited


Capitalización de mercado: JA$291.6m

This company listing is no longer active

This company may still be operating, however this listing is no longer active. Find out why through their latest events.

Dividendos de Community & Workers of Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union

Dividendo controles de criterios 0/6

Community & Workers of Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union does not have a record of paying a dividend.

Información clave


Rentabilidad por dividendo


Ratio de pago

Rentabilidad media de la industria3.5%
Próxima fecha de pago de dividendosn/a
Fecha ex dividendon/a
Dividendo por acciónn/a
Beneficios por acciónJA$2.05
Rentabilidad por dividendo prevista a 3 añosn/a

Últimas actualizaciones de dividendos

No hay actualizaciones

Recent updates

Estabilidad y crecimiento de los pagos

Obteniendo datos sobre dividendos

Dividendo estable: Insufficient data to determine if CWJDEFERREDA's dividends per share have been stable in the past.

Dividendo creciente: Insufficient data to determine if CWJDEFERREDA's dividend payments have been increasing.

Rentabilidad por dividendo vs. Mercado

Rentabilidad por dividendo de Community & Workers of Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union vs. Mercado
¿Cómo se compara la rentabilidad por dividendo de CWJDEFERREDA con la del mercado?
SegmentoRentabilidad por dividendo
Suelo de mercado 25% (JM)1.7%
Techo de mercado 25% (JM)3.3%
Media de la industria (Diversified Financial)3.5%
Previsión de analistas en 3 años (CWJDEFERREDA)n/a

Dividendo destacado: Unable to evaluate CWJDEFERREDA's dividend yield against the bottom 25% of dividend payers, as the company has not reported any recent payouts.

Alto dividendo: Unable to evaluate CWJDEFERREDA's dividend yield against the top 25% of dividend payers, as the company has not reported any recent payouts.

Pago actual a los accionistas

Cobertura de los beneficios: Insufficient data to calculate payout ratio to determine if its dividend payments are covered by earnings.

Pago futuro a los accionistas

Cobertura futura de dividendos: No need to calculate the sustainability of CWJDEFERREDA's dividend in 3 years as they are not forecast to pay a notable one for the JM market.

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