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7 Acquisition Balance Sheet Health

Finanzielle Gesundheit Kriterienprüfungen 3/6

7 Acquisition has a total shareholder equity of $-10.3M and total debt of $0.0, which brings its debt-to-equity ratio to 0%. Its total assets and total liabilities are $238.9M and $249.1M respectively.

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Verhältnis von Schulden zu Eigenkapital




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Kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten: SVNA has negative shareholder equity, which is a more serious situation than short term assets not covering short term liabilities.

Langfristige Verbindlichkeiten: SVNA has negative shareholder equity, which is a more serious situation than short term assets not covering long term liabilities.

Geschichte und Analyse des Verhältnisses von Schulden zu Eigenkapital

Verschuldungsgrad: SVNA is debt free.

Schulden abbauen: SVNA's has negative shareholder equity, so we do not need to check if its debt has reduced over time.

Schuldendeckung: SVNA has no debt, therefore it does not need to be covered by operating cash flow.

Zinsdeckung: SVNA has no debt, therefore coverage of interest payments is not a concern.


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