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Damansara Holdings Berhad Balance Sheet Health

Finanzielle Gesundheit Kriterienprüfungen 6/6

Damansara Holdings Berhad has a total shareholder equity of MYR103.4M and total debt of MYR9.0M, which brings its debt-to-equity ratio to 8.7%. Its total assets and total liabilities are MYR311.5M and MYR208.1M respectively.

Wichtige Informationen


Verhältnis von Schulden zu Eigenkapital

RM 9.04m


BargeldRM 27.22m
EigenkapitalRM 103.43m
GesamtverbindlichkeitenRM 208.12m
GesamtvermögenRM 311.54m

Jüngste Berichte zur Finanzlage

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Analyse der Finanzlage

Kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten: DBHD's short term assets (MYR181.6M) exceed its short term liabilities (MYR180.5M).

Langfristige Verbindlichkeiten: DBHD's short term assets (MYR181.6M) exceed its long term liabilities (MYR27.6M).

Geschichte und Analyse des Verhältnisses von Schulden zu Eigenkapital

Verschuldungsgrad: DBHD has more cash than its total debt.

Schulden abbauen: DBHD's debt to equity ratio has reduced from 15.2% to 8.7% over the past 5 years.



Bei Unternehmen, die in der Vergangenheit im Durchschnitt Verluste gemacht haben, wird geprüft, ob sie über einen Liquiditätsvorlauf von mindestens einem Jahr verfügen.

Stabile Start- und Landebahn für Bargeld: Whilst unprofitable DBHD has sufficient cash runway for more than 3 years if it maintains its current positive free cash flow level.

Vorhersage Cash Runway: DBHD is unprofitable but has sufficient cash runway for more than 3 years, due to free cash flow being positive and growing by 31.7% per year.

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