Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd.

TASE:PRSK Lagerbericht

Marktkapitalisierung: ₪1.8b

Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Management

Management Kriterienprüfungen 4/4

Wir verfügen derzeit nicht über ausreichende Informationen über den CEO.

Wichtige Informationen

Sharon Prashkovsky




Prozentsatz des Geschäftsführergehalts54.1%
Amtszeit als Geschäftsführer19.2yrs
Eigentum des Geschäftsführers15.7%
Durchschnittliche Amtszeit des Managements6.3yrs
Durchschnittliche Amtszeit der Vorstandsmitglieder8.2yrs

Jüngste Management Updates

Recent updates

Prashkovsky Investments and Construction's (TLV:PRSK) Profits May Not Reveal Underlying Issues

Mar 20
Prashkovsky Investments and Construction's (TLV:PRSK) Profits May Not Reveal Underlying Issues

Here's Why Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Weighed Down By Its Debt Load

Jan 07
Here's Why Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Weighed Down By Its Debt Load

We Think You Can Look Beyond Prashkovsky Investments and Construction's (TLV:PRSK) Lackluster Earnings

Aug 27
We Think You Can Look Beyond Prashkovsky Investments and Construction's (TLV:PRSK) Lackluster Earnings

Benign Growth For Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd. (TLV:PRSK) Underpins Its Share Price

Mar 22
Benign Growth For Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd. (TLV:PRSK) Underpins Its Share Price

Does Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Jan 07
Does Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Does Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Jul 05
Does Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Does Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Mar 24
Does Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Have A Healthy Balance Sheet?

Here's Why We Think Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Well Worth Watching

Feb 22
Here's Why We Think Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Well Worth Watching

Do Prashkovsky Investments and Construction's (TLV:PRSK) Earnings Warrant Your Attention?

Aug 08
Do Prashkovsky Investments and Construction's (TLV:PRSK) Earnings Warrant Your Attention?

These 4 Measures Indicate That Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Using Debt Extensively

Jul 21
These 4 Measures Indicate That Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Using Debt Extensively

Here's Why We Think Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Well Worth Watching

Apr 29
Here's Why We Think Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Well Worth Watching

Is Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) A Risky Investment?

Feb 28
Is Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) A Risky Investment?

Here's Why I Think Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is An Interesting Stock

Jan 13
Here's Why I Think Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is An Interesting Stock

We Think Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Taking Some Risk With Its Debt

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We Think Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Taking Some Risk With Its Debt

If You Like EPS Growth Then Check Out Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Before It's Too Late

May 30
If You Like EPS Growth Then Check Out Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Before It's Too Late

Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Seems To Use Debt Quite Sensibly

Mar 28
Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Seems To Use Debt Quite Sensibly

Shareholders of Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Must Be Delighted With Their 955% Total Return

Mar 10
Shareholders of Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Must Be Delighted With Their 955% Total Return

Does Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd. (TLV:PRSK) Have A Place In Your Dividend Portfolio?

Feb 17
Does Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd. (TLV:PRSK) Have A Place In Your Dividend Portfolio?

Do Prashkovsky Investments and Construction's (TLV:PRSK) Earnings Warrant Your Attention?

Feb 02
Do Prashkovsky Investments and Construction's (TLV:PRSK) Earnings Warrant Your Attention?

What Type Of Shareholders Make Up Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd.'s (TLV:PRSK) Share Registry?

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What Type Of Shareholders Make Up Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd.'s (TLV:PRSK) Share Registry?

Should You Be Impressed By Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd.'s (TLV:PRSK) ROE?

Jan 04
Should You Be Impressed By Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd.'s (TLV:PRSK) ROE?

Is Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Using Too Much Debt?

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Is Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Using Too Much Debt?

Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Growing Earnings But Are They A Good Guide?

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Prashkovsky Investments and Construction (TLV:PRSK) Is Growing Earnings But Are They A Good Guide?

Be Sure To Check Out Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd. (TLV:PRSK) Before It Goes Ex-Dividend

Nov 25
Be Sure To Check Out Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd. (TLV:PRSK) Before It Goes Ex-Dividend

Analyse der Geschäftsführervergütung

Wie hat sich die Vergütung von Sharon Prashkovsky im Vergleich zu den Einnahmen von Prashkovsky Investments and Construction verändert?
Dec 31 2024n/an/a


Sep 30 2024n/an/a


Jun 30 2024n/an/a


Mar 31 2024n/an/a


Dec 31 2023₪4m₪2m


Sep 30 2023n/an/a


Jun 30 2023n/an/a


Mar 31 2023n/an/a


Dec 31 2022₪3m₪2m


Sep 30 2022n/an/a


Jun 30 2022n/an/a


Mar 31 2022n/an/a


Dec 31 2021₪4m₪2m


Sep 30 2021n/an/a


Jun 30 2021n/an/a


Mar 31 2021n/an/a


Dec 31 2020₪3m₪2m


Vergütung im Vergleich zum Markt: SharonDie Gesamtvergütung ($USD1.00M) liegt im Durchschnitt der Unternehmen ähnlicher Größe auf dem Markt IL ($USD776.76K).

Entschädigung vs. Einkommen: SharonDie Vergütung des Vorstandsvorsitzenden entsprach im vergangenen Jahr der Unternehmensleistung.


Sharon Prashkovsky (55 yo)





Mr. Sharon Prashkovsky serves as Chief Executive Officer of Pershkovsky Investments & A.S.Y. Pershkovsky at Prashkovsky Investments and Construction Ltd. and served as its General Manager and served as Chi...


Sharon Prashkovsky
CEO of Pershkovsky Investments & A.S.Y. Pershkovsky and Directorno data₪3.69m15.66%
₪ 284.8m
Arnon Prashkovsky
President & Director7.5yrs₪326.00k9.36%
₪ 170.1m
Moti Nahmias
Deputy CEO & CFO14.6yrs₪3.22m0.13%
₪ 2.3m
Maya Kardi
Legal Advisorno data₪944.00k7.35%
₪ 133.7m
Susi Praszkowski
Vice President of Marketing & Sales7.4yrs₪1.13mkeine Daten
Haim Kardi
Chief Executive Officer of Pershkovsky Yields Ltd. & Director4.5yrs₪2.91m7.35%
₪ 133.7m
Tamir Bleichman
Co-CEO of ASI Praszkowski3.3yrs₪3.28mkeine Daten
Estee Cohen
Comptroller5.2yrskeine Daten0.0029%
₪ 51.8k


Durchschnittliche Betriebszugehörigkeit


Durchschnittliches Alter

Erfahrenes Management: PRSKDas Führungsteam des Unternehmens verfügt über eine langjährige Erfahrung (6.3 ).


Sharon Prashkovsky
CEO of Pershkovsky Investments & A.S.Y. Pershkovsky and Director19.2yrs₪3.69m15.66%
₪ 284.8m
Arnon Prashkovsky
President & Director19.2yrs₪326.00k9.36%
₪ 170.1m
Haim Kardi
Chief Executive Officer of Pershkovsky Yields Ltd. & Director3.2yrs₪2.91m7.35%
₪ 133.7m
Yossef Prashkovsky
Chairman of the Board19.2yrs₪3.79m15.66%
₪ 284.8m
Merav Siegel
Independent Directorno datakeine Datenkeine Daten
Ramtin Sebty
Independent Director8.2yrskeine Daten0.0079%
₪ 143.3k
Kobi Serossi
Independent Director6.2yrskeine Datenkeine Daten
Yaacov Goldman
Independent Director6.2yrskeine Datenkeine Daten


Durchschnittliche Betriebszugehörigkeit


Durchschnittliches Alter

Erfahrener Vorstand: PRSKDie Vorstandsmitglieder gelten als erfahren (8.2 Jahre durchschnittliche Amtszeit).

Unternehmensanalyse und Finanzdaten Status

DatenZuletzt aktualisiert (UTC-Zeit)
Unternehmensanalyse2025/03/20 10:22
Aktienkurs zum Tagesende2025/03/20 00:00
Jährliche Einnahmen2024/12/31


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Finanzdaten des Unternehmens10 Jahre
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Konsensschätzungen der Analysten+3 Jahre
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Verwaltung10 Jahre
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Wichtige Entwicklungen10 Jahre
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