BW Energy is one of the most undervalued stock i have found in the oil industry listed in Norway. The company have one large shareholder, BW Group, which owns about 75% of BWE. This could be one of the reasons why BWE is low priced. Some might be afraid that they will buy 100% of the company at a low price. I believe (and hope) that they understand the importance of pleasing external shareholders.
The BW Group is a top-level experienced industrial builder of value over time, whith many different companies (BW Offshore, BW LPG, BW Epic Cosan ++). My take is that the Groups long-time operational experience and financial muscles reduces the risk for BWE, compared to other stand-alone companies.
BW Energy have until 2024 developed slower than the market. But they have steady progress, and build value for each Q presentation. Now (end of october 2024), I think they are all set to boost their oil production. And with a large shareholder who owns 75%, it might be tight through the door when the market wants to take part of the fast and steadily increasing free cash flow in the coming months and years.
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