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ZCCM-IH is an investment holding based in Zambia with focus on mining and energy business. They hold very substantial assets:
Investments – ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
Thank to the reorganization of the Mopani Copper Mine - they sold 51% to Delta Mining - an indirect subsidiary of International Resource Holding- Assets - International Resources Holding which is itself a subsidiary of Abu Dhabi listed International Holding Campany: IHC | International Holding Company which itself belongs 60% to the very powerful Royal Group of the ultra-rich Royal Family of Abu Dhabi;
they recorded a profit on group level of 2 billion USD in first half 2024; but the share price don't go inline with the huge increase of the book value (market capitalization of just 200 Mio. USD based on current Paris share price seems to be a joke but trading volume irrelevant).
The first half of the year delivered strong financial results at the Group level, with a profit of ZMW 55.32 billion (USD 2.17 billion) compared to a loss of ZMW 2.41 billion (USD 125.84 million) for the six-month period ended 30th June 2023 (Refer to the financial performance section for details). --> follow pdf Link in there:
Also the other holding look very promising, easily to explore from the link to the company above.
Just look e.g. to First Quantum, which own 80 of Kansanshi mining and the rest for ZCCM, or Mingoba with same share and Bill Gates & Jeff Bezons backed Kobold holds the rest and will use AI methods: KoBold says Zambia copper find largest in a century - MINING.COM
Also geopolitical well diversified, beside some partners from MENA & America, also some other minor investments with huge chinese holders of the rest.
The only big problem is: The liquidity is very low, in Lusaka Stock Exchange but also in Paris & London. Therefore, stock only seems interesting for ultra-long term shareholders.
And this is not an small scam company, beside normal annual general meeting, they also started with regulary shareholder open days and stream it on youtube:
ZCCM-IH Shareholder Open Day 2024 - YouTube
During last shareholder day, they said will evaluate other listing option. I don't expect this will executed during the next three years, as it would be more smart to wait for great operational figures which seem realistic based on recent action, but then there will certainly an opportunity that the share price will better represent the underlying value, maybe with an US IPO supported by a.m. super-rich partners, and then the price should certainly reach book value.
In my opinion, the company is save after the mopani deal, and well diversified in mining & energy, backed by the zambian government (which also want to see dividends) so a perfect long-term opportunity if looking into next 10 years and seems the most undervalued mining assets with best chance-risk profile for me considering willingness to hold the share at least ten years, as even without share price development is should be pay out trough dividends.
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