Amara Holdings Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

SGX:A34 Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
16 Jan 24BuyS$6,780Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany11,300S$0.60
15 Jan 24BuyS$27,480Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany45,800S$0.60
12 Jan 24BuyS$24,780Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany41,300S$0.60
11 Jan 24BuyS$60Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany100S$0.60
09 Jan 24BuyS$42,780Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany71,300S$0.60
08 Jan 24BuyS$24,000Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany40,000S$0.60
04 Jan 24BuyS$4,080Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany6,800S$0.60
03 Jan 24BuyS$19,200Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany32,000S$0.60
02 Jan 24BuyS$77,520Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany129,200S$0.60
29 Dec 23BuyS$78,960Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany131,600S$0.60
28 Dec 23BuyS$335,280Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany558,800S$0.60
27 Dec 23BuyS$122,100Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany203,500S$0.60
22 Dec 23BuyS$38,340Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany63,900S$0.60
21 Dec 23BuyS$75,000Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany125,000S$0.60
20 Dec 23BuyS$360,900Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany601,500S$0.60
19 Dec 23BuyS$48,000Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany80,000S$0.60
18 Dec 23BuyS$111,300Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany185,500S$0.60
15 Dec 23BuyS$44,460Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany74,100S$0.60
14 Dec 23BuyS$256,860Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany428,100S$0.60
13 Dec 23BuyS$342,000Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany570,000S$0.60
12 Dec 23BuyS$76,800Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany128,000S$0.60
11 Dec 23BuyS$127,800Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany213,000S$0.60
11 Dec 23SellS$995,947Teo DawnIndividual1,659,910S$0.60
11 Dec 23SellS$18,000Geok Tin TeoIndividual35,162,232S$0.60
07 Dec 23BuyS$322,140Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany536,900S$0.60
06 Dec 23BuyS$61,200Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany102,000S$0.60
05 Dec 23BuyS$555,060Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany925,100S$0.60
04 Dec 23BuyS$194,760Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany324,600S$0.60
01 Dec 23BuyS$156,660Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany261,100S$0.60
30 Nov 23BuyS$117,600Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany196,000S$0.60
28 Nov 23BuyS$479,400Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany799,000S$0.60
27 Nov 23BuyS$851,640Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany1,419,400S$0.60
24 Nov 23BuyS$215,580Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany359,300S$0.60
23 Nov 23BuyS$75,600Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany126,000S$0.60
22 Nov 23BuyS$93,300Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany155,500S$0.60
21 Nov 23BuyS$151,020Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany251,700S$0.60
17 Nov 23BuyS$1,305,421Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany2,175,700S$0.60
16 Nov 23BuyS$639,059Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany1,065,100S$0.60
15 Nov 23BuyS$3,485,458Amethyst Assets Pte. LtdCompany5,809,100S$0.60

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: Insufficient data to determine if insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of A34?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
General Public31,732,4695.52%
Individual Insiders90,303,19015.7%
Private Companies452,932,54178.8%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have not been meaningfully diluted in the past year.

Top Shareholders

Top 16 shareholders own 94.48% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Amethyst Assets Pte. Ltd
438,132,541S$249.7m0%no data
Chew Chuan Teo
45,731,993S$26.1m0%no data
Teo Chuan
16,580,997S$9.5m0%no data
Morph Investments Ltd.
14,800,000S$8.4m0%no data
Kian Kok Ong
13,897,000S$7.9m0%no data
Teo Hoon
2,568,000S$1.5m0%no data
Phak Lin Chin
2,328,000S$1.3m0%no data
Hock Poh Chiam
2,024,900S$1.2m0%no data
Bee Hoe Leh
1,402,400S$799.4k0%no data
Kiam Hsung Chin
1,256,000S$715.9k0%no data
Hua Tock Tan
984,400S$561.1k0%no data
Eng Khian Lee
946,000S$539.2k0%no data
Hui Meng Yap
730,000S$416.1k0%no data
Eng Seng Lim
660,000S$376.2k0%no data
Sin Lin Chin
600,000S$342.0k0%no data
Kok Wah Peh
593,500S$338.3k0%no data