Red Lake Gold Ownership

Who are the major shareholders and have insiders been buying or selling?

Recent Insider Transactions

CNSX:RGLD Recent Insider Transactions by Companies or Individuals
DateValueNameEntityRoleSharesMax Price
04 Sep 24BuyCA$192,499Ryan KaltIndividual3,500,000CA$0.055
28 Aug 24BuyCA$990Ryan KaltIndividual11,000CA$0.09
08 Aug 24BuyCA$300Ryan KaltIndividual4,000CA$0.075
06 Aug 24BuyCA$80Kalt Industries Ltd.Company1,000CA$0.08
02 Aug 24BuyCA$950Kalt Industries Ltd.Company10,000CA$0.095
02 Aug 24BuyCA$1,000Kalt Industries Ltd.Company10,000CA$0.10
01 Aug 24BuyCA$2,005Kalt Industries Ltd.Company17,000CA$0.12
31 Jul 24BuyCA$1,260Kalt Industries Ltd.Company10,500CA$0.12
31 Jul 24BuyCA$1,435Kalt Industries Ltd.Company13,000CA$0.11
31 Jul 24BuyCA$990Kalt Industries Ltd.Company9,000CA$0.11
30 Jul 24BuyCA$1,050Kalt Industries Ltd.Company10,000CA$0.10
24 Jul 24BuyCA$500Kalt Industries Ltd.Company5,000CA$0.10
23 Jul 24BuyCA$533Kalt Industries Ltd.Company5,000CA$0.11
22 Jul 24BuyCA$525Kalt Industries Ltd.Company5,000CA$0.11
18 Jul 24BuyCA$2,035Kalt Industries Ltd.Company18,500CA$0.11
18 Jul 24BuyCA$1,320Kalt Industries Ltd.Company12,000CA$0.11
17 Jul 24BuyCA$525Kalt Industries Ltd.Company5,000CA$0.11
08 Jul 24BuyCA$1,232Kalt Industries Ltd.Company14,500CA$0.085
08 Jul 24BuyCA$1,050Kalt Industries Ltd.Company10,000CA$0.10
08 Jul 24BuyCA$615Kalt Industries Ltd.Company5,500CA$0.11
05 Jul 24BuyCA$650Kalt Industries Ltd.Company8,000CA$0.081
04 Jul 24BuyCA$700Ryan KaltIndividual10,000CA$0.07
23 May 24BuyCA$450Ryan KaltIndividual10,000CA$0.045
04 Apr 24BuyCA$100,000Ryan KaltIndividual2,000,000CA$0.05
04 Apr 24BuyCA$150,000Kalt Industries Ltd.Company3,000,000CA$0.05
12 Jan 24BuyCA$50,001Kalt Industries Ltd.Company1,000,000CA$0.05

Insider Trading Volume

Insider Buying: RGLD insiders have bought more shares than they have sold in the past 3 months.

Ownership Breakdown

What is the ownership structure of RGLD?
Owner TypeNumber of SharesOwnership Percentage
Private Companies11,582,30027.7%
Individual Insiders11,703,50028%
General Public18,453,36944.2%

Dilution of Shares: Shareholders have been diluted in the past year, with total shares outstanding growing by 16.8%.

Top Shareholders

Top 2 shareholders own 30.91% of the company
OwnershipNameSharesCurrent ValueChange %Portfolio %
Kalt Industries Ltd.
11,582,300CA$1.2m1.48%no data
Ryan Kalt
1,321,200CA$132.1k-83.8%no data