Trojan Gold Past Earnings Performance
Past criteria checks 0/6
There is insufficient data on Trojan Gold's performance over the last few years.
Key information
Earnings growth rate
EPS growth rate
Metals and Mining Industry Growth | 29.2% |
Revenue growth rate | n/a |
Return on equity | n/a |
Net Margin | n/a |
Earnings Update | n/a |
Recent past performance updates
No updates
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In this section we usually display a company’s past earnings and revenues to help investors visualise the trend through time. We also gauge the company’s performance by benchmarking its returns and growth to its industry peers and the wider market. However, Trojan Gold has not provided sufficient past data to assess its track record.
This is quite a rare situation as 97% of companies covered by Simply Wall St do have historical data.
Show sectionRevenue & Expenses Breakdown
How Trojan Gold makes and spends money. Based on latest reported earnings, on an LTM basis.
Earnings and Revenue History
Date | Revenue | Earnings | G+A Expenses | R&D Expenses |
Quality Earnings: Insufficient data to determine if KC1 has high quality earnings.
Growing Profit Margin: Insufficient data to determine if KC1's profit margins have improved over the past year.
Free Cash Flow vs Earnings Analysis
Past Earnings Growth Analysis
Earnings Trend: Unable to establish if KC1's year-on-year earnings growth rate was positive over the past 5 years as it has been trading publicly for less than 3 years.
Accelerating Growth: Unable to compare KC1's past year earnings growth to its 5-year average as it has been trading publicly for less than 3 years.
Earnings vs Industry: Insufficient data to determine if KC1's earnings growth over the past year exceeded the Metals and Mining industry average.
Return on Equity
High ROE: KC1 has a negative Return on Equity (0%), as it is currently unprofitable.