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GTLB: Technology from the Future

TeamDailyNot Invested
Community Contributor
March 19 2025
March 19 2025
TeamDaily's Fair Value
65.3% undervalued intrinsic discount
19 Mar

Author's Valuation


65.3% undervalued intrinsic discount

TeamDaily's Fair Value

Rumor has it that April 11th, is going to be a tragic day in the US, some analysts are stating that Trump will be delivering his worst speech ever. But what does this have to do with Gitlab? As a Cyber Security Specialist, there is a lot more going on through-out our economy and these bearish markets.

With Cyber Attacks growing at a rapid rate, and investors and hedges resorting to using these new tools in our trading, advancing at a faster rate with a higher probability of success then algo trading. While countries such as North Korea are using the same tools to steal millions from our US Government. Now once a favorite place for many, the markets are picking back up that negative name.

But where does "GTLB" come into play. Open-Source technology is growing at a fast sophisticated level, that the Major 7 can't keep up with. As Microsoft, Tesla, Nvidia all crash from cyber-attacks and bots draining the free cash flow. The Major 7 made a mistake and allowed Open-Source technology to slowly start to take over these bearish markets, allowing Gitlab to make a stand with their "DevSecOps" system security.

GitLab has slowly been creating partnerships with Amazon, Google. Which Google is one of their main investors. The cold hard reality has not yet set in with America over these growing Cyber Attacks. But with Open-Source technology, GitLab is proving that the Major 7 can't even protect themselves. Gitlab is currently still in development and not a house-hold name, but with technology growing right inside our homes, this is one that will eventually have its day in the near to long term.

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