Intel has been seeing an increase in their advertisements, and articles all across the globe. But with this company showing strong bullish activity. why is it still crashing? Despite the majority of investors now seeking lower RSI's and seeking global investments searching for true momentum. While they are doing all of this, they all over-looked what is really going on with Intel.
March has been one of the craziest rides in the stock market, with Tesla crashing and Earnings seeing miss after miss, Intel is still finding valuable investors willing to help back this company that has been silently dominating the technology world. On March 3, 2025, several key insiders dropped almost nearly $1 million into their investments. On February 3rd, the same insider activity placing yet again an estimated amount of $1 million. With all of this insider activity, while all the hedges are selling, I had to take a closer look.
First taking a look through the different sources of media, rumor has it that Nvidia is also silently purchasing shares in Intel. Could this indicate a new system, program, or chip will be soon released? Or could this mean a new contract is in the works??? Stating on their "Investor Relations", we can see first that they did successfully acquire 93% of Mobileye's outstanding shares. But with these insider purchases, could this indicate a turn-around with Mobileye? Or will Intel despite the insider purchases, continue to fall down with the likes of HP in this growing technology war? Or will these insider trades be enough to bring back the momentum that once was there???
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